KZTO 842,99 (-0,12%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 842,99 (-0,12%)

The Board of Directors

Amir Bozzhigitov
Member of the Board of Directors, representative of «KazMunayGas» NC JSC

Date of current election: November 25, 2024

Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of birth: September 16, 1979

Education: Bozzhigitov Amir is an alumni of both INSEAD and London Business School, holding the title of «Sloan Fellow» and a Master’s degree in Leadership and Strategic Management. Has a Bachelor’s degree in «International Law» from Abai Almaty State University and a Bachelor’s degree in «Oil and Gas Engineering» from Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev.

Experience: Bozzhigitov Amir began his career in the oil and gas industry in 2004. His professional background includes roles in the headquarters and subsidiaries of NC «KazMunayGas» JSC, the international corporation Total S.A., and participation in the implementation of the North Caspian Project Kashagan. From 2004 to 2009, he held various positions, starting as a specialist in the Corporate Finance Department at «KazTransOil» JSC and advanced to managerial roles in the Oil Transportation Division of NC «KazMunayGas» JSC. From 2009 to 2015, worked at KMG Kashagan B.V., seconded to NCOC B.V., first as a transportation coordinator and later as an export manager. From 2015 to 2017, he held the position of Advisor for Contracts and Procurement at TOTAL S.A. headquarters in Paris. From 2017 to 2020, he served as the Head of the Contracts and Procurement Department at NCOC N.V. Since 2021, he has been engaged in business, focusing on the development of an international B2B platform for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Combining jobs, membership in Boards of Directors: not a member of the management bodies of other organizations

Ownership of Company shares: no

Ownership of shares in the Company's suppliers and competitors: no