KZTO 834,60 (-0,29%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 834,60 (-0,29%)

International cooperation

Since 2015, «KazTransOil» JSC has been a member of the International Association of Oil Transporters.

The International Association of Oil Transporters is an international non-governmental organization founded to support its members engaged in the transportation of oil and petroleum products in their professional activities and to effectively coordinate the efforts of its members in creating the most favorable conditions for this.

The International Association of Oil Transporters comprises ten largest international oil transportation companies: «MERO CR» (Czech Republic) JSC, «Transneft» (Russia) PJSC, «KazTransOil» (Kazakhstan) JSC, «Transpetrol» (Slovakia) JSC, «Gomeltransneft Druzhba» (Belarus) JSC, «MOL» (Hungary) JSC, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC, China), Ukrtransnafta (Ukraine) JSC and Yanaf (Croatia) JSC and TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo (Serbia). One company, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), acts as an observer.

The main objectives of the Association are:
  1. protection and strengthening of the commercial interests of the members of the Association in the field of transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products;
  2. promoting comprehensive development in the field of transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products;
  3. assistance to members of the Association in strengthening and developing relationships in international, regional and national markets;
  4. establishing and maintaining contacts with professional organizations and institutions, as well as representing members of the Association in relations with such entities;
  5. monitoring the development and implementation of legal norms and standards applicable to the transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products at the international, regional and national levels;
  6. to cooperate with state authorities and the public, including non-governmental organizations, in discussing fundamental issues related to the members of the Association, and to protect the positions of the members of the Association;
  7. support among government agencies and the public, including non-governmental organizations, of a positive image of the oil and petroleum products transportation and storage industry;
  8. support for the comprehensive development and functioning of the national oil and petroleum products transportation system in order to ensure the safety and stability of oil supplies;
  9. to act as a platform for the exchange of opinions and points of view on the harmonization and unification of standards and rules for the international transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products, for the exchange of technical information, standards and other related materials in all related fields, as well as to promote the exchange of experience and know-how in the field of transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products;
  10. development of criteria for joint evaluation of new major projects affecting the activities of the Association members while simultaneously focusing on the effective use of existing pipeline transport infrastructure.