Date of current election: November 25, 2024
Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan
Date of birth: February 13, 1975
Education: Graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Management with the qualification «International Economist», majoring in Oil Business. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Work experience:
He started his labor activity in 1996 in the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1997-2002, he worked as Chief Manager and Department Director at Kazakhoil National Oil and Gas Company. He has held the positions of Advisor to the President of «Intergas Central Asia» JSC, Director of the Department at «MNC «KazMunayTeniz» LLP and NC «KazMunayGas «JSC.
In 2007, he was Deputy Director of the Strategy and Corporate Governance Department of Kazakhstan's state asset management holding Samruk. After that he worked in private investment and analytical institutions.
Since 2013, Managing Partner at «Research and Consulting Center» LLP.
He has managerial experience in government policy development, sectoral and regional strategies, corporate development strategies, investment planning and management, mergers and acquisitions, economic research and analysis. In 2020-2022 – independent member of the Board of Directors of «Situation and Analytical Center of Fuel and Energy Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan» JSC.
Combining jobs, membership in Boards of Directors: not a member of the management bodies of other organizations.
Ownership of Company shares: no.
Ownership of shares in the Company's suppliers and competitors: no.