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KazTransOil JSC took part in the 23rd meeting of the Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT)

14.11.2024    Views: 773
On November 13, 2024, the 23rd meeting of the Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT) was held in Belgrade, Serbia. The Board has the authority of the Association’s General Assembly. Representatives from five national oil transportation operators, as well as from the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, attended the meeting. The delegation from KazTransOil JSC was represented by Erik Sagiyev, Deputy General Director for Transportation.
The meeting focused on the results of the Association’s activities for 2024, including the work of permanent expert groups, and approved the work plan and budget for 2025. During the event, there was also a meeting of the participants of the permanent expert group on supply issues.
The meeting was preceded by a ceremony marking the opening of the new IAOT office in Belgrade. The ceremony was attended by a delegation of Serbian officials, led by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, S. Srbjanović.
