KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)


In this blog we will answer your questions, review any suggestions regarding the activities of «KazTransOil» JSC. We will provide answers to questions relating to personal information of «KazTransOil» JSC and Contractor employees, via e-mail only, as publishing this information online can violate the constitutional human rights and bear reputational risks. In this regard, please indicate your current e-mail address.

We hope that the blog will be a useful tool for everyone to learn something interesting and important for themselves.

Dear visitors of the blog!

We would like to inform you that questions addressed in Kazakh, Russian, or English will be posted in the language of submission on the appropriate  version of the site.

Please address all questions related to employment to:

To send us your resume, please visit the Vacancies page. If you wish to provide video resume, please send it to our telegram number: +7 771 101 55 06.