KZTO 830,85 (-0,02%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 830,85 (-0,02%)
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Members of the Board of Directors

Ardak Kassymbek
Member of the Board of Directors, representative of «KazMunayGas» NC JSC

Date of current election: August 14, 2023

Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of birth: September 29, 1977

Education: In 1998 and 2000, he received a bachelor's and master's degree in international economic relations from Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University. In 2001 received a master's degree (MSc in Banking and International Finance) from the Business School of City (London, UK). Holds a certificate «Certificate in Company Direction» of the international organization Institute of Directors (Moscow).


He began his career in 1998 as a leading banker in the structured finance department of Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

In 2001 - manager of the investment management department of NOC Kazakhoil JSC.

From 2002 to 2016, he held the positions of General Manager, Deputy Director of the Corporate Finance Department, Executive Director for Economics and Finance, Managing Director for Corporate Development, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Economics and Finance, Managing Director for Economics and Finance, Senior Vice President - Financial Director of JSC NC «KazMunayGas».

From 2018 to 2019, he was the Chairman of the Board of Capital Kazyna Management JSC.

From 2021 to 2023 - Member of the Supervisory Board of LLP «KTZ - Freight Transportation», Member of the Board of Directors of JSC «KTZ - Express», JSC «Kedentransservice».

Combining jobs, membership in Boards of Directors: does not belong to the management bodies of other organizations

Company share ownership: no

Ownership of shares of Company’s suppliers and competitors: no
