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«KazTransOil» JSC: at the forefront of the country’s oil transportation

 19.04.2022    7757
In the early days of its formation KazTransOil faced the challenges of transitioning from the old Soviet pipeline system. Today KazTransOil is the largest oil pipeline company in the country with a modern high-tech network of main oil pipelines covering the whole of Kazakhstan. April 2nd marks 25 years since the establishment of KazTransOil JSC in 1997. We would like to recall some of the key developments.

The history of KazTransOil JSC was built by professionals who dedicated their lives to the oil transportation industry. In the past 25 years, important pipeline projects have been implemented, which have contributed to the economic stability of Kazakhstan. Since 1997 the transportation of oil through the KazTransOil system has increased threefold exceeding 40 million tons.

«Kassymov oil pumping station, Atyrau»
For a quarter century, the company has formed an extensive oil transportation system. The western and eastern networks of the country's main oil pipelines were integrated. The Kenkiyak - Atyrau, Alibekmola - Kenkiyak, Northern Buzachi- Karazhanbas, Atasu- Alashankou, Kenkiyak-Kumkol oil pipelines have been commissioned, the capacities of the Atyrau-Samara oil pipeline, the port of Aktau, as well as several railway loading and unloading terminals have been expanded. These extensive efforts have not only allowed to improve the safety and reliability of the oil pipeline system, but also to secure the export potential of Kazakhstan.
«Aktau sea port»
«A lot has been done to connect the West with the East. Today the Kazakh-Chinese pipeline exports large volumes to China, Kaztransoil transports Russian oil by transit, in the direction of Samara via the KazTansOil pipeline, by sea through Aktau. Today's transportation routes are economically profitable for both the oil producers and the Republic», the former oil pipeline operator Nurtas Shmanov says.
Today, about 38% of all oil produced in the country is transported through the KazTransOil JSC system of main oil pipelines. The company consistently transport oil in several directions: the Black and Baltic sea ports, Central and Eastern Europe countries, the Transcaucasian Corridor, China. Simultaneously KazTransOil is also working to ramp up its transit potential. Since 2017, the transportation of Russian oil along the Priirtyshsk – Atasu – Alashankou route has increased to 10 million tons per year.
«Aktau main oil pumping station»
Moreover the construction of the Kazakhstan–China oil pipeline system is underway. The implementation of this project began in the 2000s. The purpose is to create a multi-vector system of transportation of hydrocarbons to ensure the country’s energy security. Its completion will provide oil to the Pavlodar and Shymkent refineries, and increase the supply of West Kazakhstan oil to China. KazTransOil JSC accounts for more than 90% of the supply of raw materials to domestic refineries.
Supervisory control and data acquisition (or SCADA) has become one of the biggest digitalized systems of oil transportation management in Kazakhstan. It helped computerize manual labor at KazTransOil JSC facilities, eliminate situations with tank oil spills, as well as ensure continuous monitoring of the state of the technological equipment.

«In 2006 the SCADA system was fully integrated and put into operation. Also 4000 km of optical fiber transmission system had been embedded. Furthermore, the innovative energy-saving technology of the SMARTRAN program was also introduced», the Deputy director for Innovation and technical development department of «KazTransOil» JSC Berik Sayakhov reports.

At the next stage, the master control room was set up in the capital. The operators control oil flows remotely in 11 regions of Kazakhstan.
«Oil transportation control room»
«The operators control oil flows remotely in 11 regions of Kazakhstan. The entire system of the company's main oil pipelines is divided into technological sections, starting from Mangyshlak to Atyrau, from Pavlodar to Shymkent. There are seven of them in total. It is planned to open another one soon. At each site operators monitor and control the processes. An electronic circuit specialist monitors the modes of the oil pipeline operation, the condition of the main and auxiliary equipment. He can change the modes depending on the planned task. Also, the operator can switch remotely the flow of oil from tank to tank, start pumping units, perform pressure balancing, etc. The master control room works round the clock 7 days a week in non-stop mode. Here a team of 48 people work on rotating shifts», the Deputy director of the «Oil Transportation Management Center» of KazTransOil JSC Yerbolat Mendybayev says.
«Shmanov oil pipeline station, Atyrau»
The history of KazTransOil is created by the people that work here. The company ensures safe working conditions, honors the commitments made, invests in knowledge and advanced training of employees, creates jobs for a new generation of oil pipeliners. Thanks to the personal contribution of each KazTransOil employee, Kazakhstan delivers on its export obligations and successfully solves issues of national energy security. KazTransOil is a family of almost 7000 employees united by the common goal of reliable and uninterrupted transportation of oil for the benefit of Kazakhstan's development.
Categories: The company's life