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Corporate culture and internal communications

Corporate culture is the foundation that unites the team and makes it a single whole. The Corporate culture of «KazTransOil» JSC is based on the Company's core values, such as occupational safety and health, team spirit, efficiency, professionalism, sustainable development, mutual assistance and teamwork, which are reflected in the Development Strategy of «KazTransOil» JSC.

The Corporate culture of «KazTransOil» JSC is created and developed through the use of a wide range of communication tools, including the use of a network of internal information channels, holding corporate events for employees, meetings of management with employees of the Company, organizing sports events, etc.

Communications, as a strategic management tool, are implemented in two directions-information and interaction. Five main communication channels have been created and effectively used to inform the team of employees:
  • Corporate internal portal;
  • Mobile information app of «KazTransOil» JSC;
  • Unified Information E-mail KTO info;
  • Corporate TV Channel of «KazTransOil» JSC.
Currently, the maximum number of employees of the Company are involved in the information flow, and they have access to information from the original source.

Internal Communications Guidelines of “KazTransOil” JSC (Download | View in new window)
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