The priorities of the personnel policy of the Company are decent wages and creation of a social support system, providing opportunities for professional development and career growth, rise in the level of satisfaction with the working conditions and standards of living.
The Company has a personnel management system based on the principles of fairness, respect, equal opportunities, orientation to the best world experiences and HR-technologies, continuous dialogues between the management and employees.
In the field of personnel management, the Company works in such directions as improvement of the organizational structure, quality of staff, managing productivity, implementation of the main tasks and directions of the youth policy, formation and development of corporate culture.
«KazTransOil» JSC is one of the largest employers on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, great importance is devoted to the selection of quality personnel and for further enhancement of their professional level, as well as to support young professionals.
Rules of competitive selection for vacant posts and adaptation of new employees in “KazTransOil” JSC (
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