KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)

Reports to consumers and other interested parties


Report of KazTransOil JSC for 2023
Pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Natural Monopolies», KazTransOil JSC hereby informs on reporting on approved tariff estimates, implementation of approved investment program, compliance with quality and reliability indicators of regulated services and KPI achievement by KazTransOil JSC in  2023 year to consumers and other concerned parties on provision of the following regulated services:
  • transportation of oil through the main pipelines system except for transportation through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • generation, transmission and distribution of heating energy
  • electric power transmission
  • sewage disposal
Event date: April 25, 2024 at 11:00AM.
Venue: Conference Hall, 7th floor, 12 Non-Residential Facility, 20 Turan ave., Yessil district, Astana
