KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)

Questionnaire on customer satisfaction with the operation of trunk oil pipelines owned by third parties

Your assessment (score) of satisfaction with the parameters of the service (5 - completely satisfied, 1 - completely dissatisfied).

If your score is less than 5 points, please provide explanations on this issue
If your score is less than 5 points, please provide explanations on this issue
If your score is less than 5 points, please provide explanations on this issue
If your score is less than 5 points, please provide explanations on this issue
If your score is less than 5 points, please provide explanations on this issue
If your score is less than 5 points, please provide explanations on this issue
If your score is less than 5 points, please provide explanations on this issue
