KZTO 815,22 (+0,03%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 815,22 (+0,03%)

Annual reports


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2023 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    20.43Мб    341

Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2022 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    14.9Мб    1559


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2021 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    16.09Мб    1869


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2020 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    17.97Мб    1461


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2019 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    18.84Мб    1946


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2018 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    13.98Мб    2041


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2017 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    13.38Мб    1986


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2016 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    9.38Мб    1640


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2015 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    7.98Мб    905


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2014 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    10.08Мб    919


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2013 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    4.44Мб    1001


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2012 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    5.5Мб    785


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2011 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    3.68Мб    774


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2010 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    881.57Кб    917


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2009 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    7.94Мб    589


Annual Report JSC “KazTransOil” for 2008 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    8.98Мб    1042

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