KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)

Dividend policy

Dividend Policy of «KazTransOil» JSC was confirmed by resolution of the Sole Shareholder on 03.07.2012 (minutes of the meeting of the management Board of «KazMunayGas» JSC NC #75).

Dividend Policy of the Company is based upon observance of balance of interests of the Company and its shareholders, and on necessity to enhance capitalization and investment attractiveness of the Company.

Dividend policy stipulates the sum on dividends payment at the level not lower than 40% of Company’s net income. The factual size of dividends shall achieve or exceed 100% of net income of the Company, if this does not contradict to Company’s liabilities.

The Management Board reserves the right to offer the level of dividend payments lower than 40%, based on the actual results of the Company for the financial year, an industry-wide dynamics of development and the program of capital (investment) costs of the Company.

The Board of Directors of the Company during preparation of proposals on distribution of net income of the Company upon quarterly or semi-annual resultsassumes that the amount available for dividend payment is not less than 10% of the net profit of the Company for the relevant financial period. In the case of payment of quarterly or semi-annual dividends, the amount of actual interim payments is taken into account in the payment of dividends for therelevant financial period.

Dividends paid by the Company in cash.

Dividend payment period shall be set by the General Meeting of Shareholders in the decision on dividends payment.

Payment of Dividends for Previous Years

The period for which dividends are paid Date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders List of shareholders entitled to receive dividends fixed as of Dividend per share, KZT Amount of payment, KZT Dividend payment start date
01.01.12 - 31.12.12 28.05.2013 12.00 a.m., 13.06.2013 75 28,847,669,925.00 04.07.2013
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 28.05.2014 12.00 a.m., 13.06.2014 109 41,925,280,291.00 03.07.2014
01.01.14 - 31.12.14 20.05.2015 12.00 a.m., 27.05.2015 120.71 46,429,363,155.29 10.06.2015
01.01.15 - 31.12.15 27.05.2016 12.00 a.m., 11.06.2016 133 51,156,534,667.00 27.06.2016
01.01.16 - 31.12.16 25.05.2017 12.00 a.m., 14.06.2017 155 59,617,355,345.00 27.06.2017
01.01.17 - 31.12.17 24.05.2018 12.00 a.m., 12.06.2018 160 61,540,495,840.00 26.06.2018
01.01.18 - 31.12.18 28.05.2019 12.00 a.m., 05.06.2019 104 40,001,322,296.00 03.07.2019
01.01.19 - 31.12.19 27.05.2020 12.00 a.m., 03.06.2020 118 45,386,115,682.00 18.06.2020
01.01.20 - 31.12.20 26.05.2021 12.00 a.m., 11.06.2021 132 50 770 909 068,00 18.06.2021
01.01.21 - 31.12.21 19.05.2022 12.00 a.m., 01.06.2022 26 10 000 330 574,00 13.06.2022
01.01.22 - 31.12.22 24.05.2023   12.00 a.m., 05.06.2023 39 15 000 495 861,00 13.06.2023

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