KZTO 810,00 (-0,86%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 810,00 (-0,86%)

Interested-party transactions

Transactions in which there is an interest of «KazTransOil» JSC (from 15.03.2017 to 31.12.2017) (Download | View in new window)
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Оn the conclusion with joint-stock company "North-West pipeline company "MunaiTas" of the transaction in which JSC "KazTransOil" is interested, – the contract on procurement of services on maintenance/maintenance of main and local pipelines and similar networks/systems (operation of facilities and structures of main pipeline "Kenkiyak-Atyrau").
1) the date of the transaction – on June 30, 2017;
2) subject of the transaction, names of parties to the transaction – providing services for operation of facilities and structures of main pipeline "Kenkiyak – Atyrau", concluded between KazTransOil JSC and joint-stock company "North-West pipeline company "MunaiTas" of the agreement on procurement of services on maintenance/maintenance of main and local pipelines and similar networks/systems (operation of facilities and structures of main pipeline "Kenkiyak-Atyrau");
3) date when the on joint stock companies decisions on the transaction – the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" dated June 30, 2017 (meeting minutes No. 22).

On the conclusion with LLP "PSA" transactions in which the company has an interest:
  • a contract for the provision of services on transportation of oil;
  • the agreement of transport expedition.
1) the date of the transaction is 5 April 2017;
2) subject of the transaction, names of parties to the transaction concluded between KazTransOil JSC and LLP "PSA" contract for the provision of services for oil transportation and freight forwarding contract;
3) date when the on joint stock companies decisions on the transaction – the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" dated January 18, 2017 (meeting minutes No. 2).

On the conclusion of a "Semser-Ort Sondirushi" transactions in which the JSC "KazTransOil" interested party:
  • service contract for the provision of accommodation to employees "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" in the hostels of the Western branch of the Company;
  • a contract for the provision of food workers "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" at the sites of the Western branch of the Company;
  • a contract for the provision of employee accommodations provide "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" in the hostels of the Eastern branch of the Company;
  • a contract for the provision of food workers "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" at the sites of the Eastern branch of the Company.
1) the date of the transaction - March 1, 2017;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - conclusion between JSC "KazTransOil" and "Semser-Ort Sondirushi" contracts for the provision of accommodation to employees "Semser-Ort Sondirushi" in hostels Western and Eastern branch of "KazTransOil" JSC, as well as treaties food workers "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" at the sites of Western and Eastern branch of "KazTransOil" JSC;
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on 23 February 2017 (meeting №7 Protocol).

To conclude with LLP «KMG-Security» transactions in which the JSC «KazTransOil» interested party:
  • service contract for the provision of accommodation in residential units for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Western branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
  • service contract for the provision of accommodation in residential units (trailers) for the employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Eastern branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
  • service contract for the provision of accommodation in dormitories for workers LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Eastern branch of JSC «KazTransOil».
1) the date of the transaction - December 29, 2016;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - conclusion between JSC «KazTransOil» and LLP «KMG-Security» service contracts for the provision of accommodation in residential units for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Western and Eastern branch JSC «KazTransOil», as well as an agreement for the provision of accommodation in residential units (trailers) for the employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Eastern branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 28 December 2016 (meeting №33).

About signing with «Mangistaumunaigaz» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 22 December 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for supply and receiving natural gas;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 14 December 2016.

About signing with «Mangistaumunaigaz» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 22 December 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for water release;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 14 December 2016.

About signing with «PetroKazakhstan Oil Products» LLP contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 22 December 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for the provision of water services (water supply) and removal of waste water (sewage reception);
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 14 December 2016.

On conclusion of a LLP OOC «KazMunayTeniz» transactions in which the Company is interested in:
  • a contract for the provision of oil transportation;
  • the contract of freight forwarding.
1) the date of the transaction - December 21, 2016;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - conclusion between JSC «KazTransOil» and LLP OOC «KazMunayTeniz» contract for the provision of oil transportation and freight forwarding contract;
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 14 November 2016 (minutes №26).

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company «EMG» transactions in which the Company is interested in:
  • a contract for the provision of oil transportation;
  • the contract of freight forwarding.
1) the date of the transaction - December 20, 2016;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - conclusion between JSC «KazTransOil» JSC and joint-stock company «EMG» contract for the provision of oil transportation and freight forwarding contract;
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 14 November 2016 (minutes №26).

Оn the conclusion of a PLLC «KMG Kashagan BV» transactions in which the Company is interested in:
  • a contract for the provision of oil transportation;
  • the contract of freight forwarding.
1) the date of the transaction - December 13, 2016;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - conclusion between JSC «KazTransOil» and PLLC «KMG Kashagan BV» contract for the provision of oil transportation and freight forwarding contract;
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 12 December 2016 (meeting №31).

On conclusion with LLP «Kazakhturkmunai» transactions in which the JSC «KazTransOil» interested party - Agreement for the provision of oil transportation and freight forwarding contract.
1) the date of the transaction - December 9, 2016;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - conclusion between JSC «KazTransOil» and LLP «Kazakhturkmunai» contract for the provision of oil transportation and freight forwarding contract;
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 14 November 2016 (minutes №26).

About signing with «Mangystaumunaigaz» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 8 December 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for the provision of oil transportation services;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 21 November 2016.

About signing with «Mangystaumunaigaz» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 8 December 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – transport expedition contract;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 21 November 2016.

About signing with «TURGAI-PETROLEUM» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 23 November 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for the provision of oil transportation services;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 21 November 2016.

About signing with «KI Distribution» LLP contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 20 October 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – Supply contract;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 19 October 2016.

About signing with «Mangystaumunaigaz» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 23 August 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for services to divert wastewater from the facility “Kalamkas” of Mangystau oil pipeline department of the West Branch of “KazTransOil” JSC;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 14 March 2016.

On 27 June 2016 the Board of Directors made a decision about concluding interested-party transactions by «KazTransOil» JSC with «Kazakhstan-China Pipeline» LLP (minutes of the meeting #8/2016):
1) contract for the operation of the main pipeline «Kenkiyak-Kumkol» for the years 2016-2020;
2) contract for the operation of the main pipeline «Atasu-Alashankou» for the years 2016-2020.

On conclusion of a Joint Stock Company «North-West Pipeline Company MunaiTas» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - on services procurement contract maintenance / maintenance of main / local pipelines and similar networks / systems (operation of facilities and installations trunk pipeline «Kenkiyak-Atyrau»).
1) the date of the transaction - May 20, 2016;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - provision of services for the operation of facilities and structures of the main oil pipeline "Kenkyak - Atyrau", concluded between JSC "KazTransOil" and Joint Stock Company "North-West Pipeline Company" MunaiTas "procurement contract maintenance services / content of main / local pipelines and similar networks / systems (operational and construction of the main pipeline "Kenkiyak-Atyrau");
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on 4 February 2016 (minutes №5).

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company «Exploration Production «KazMunayGas» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - Agreement for the provision of services on transportation of oil.
1) the date of the transaction - April 29, 2016;
2) the subject of the transaction, the names of parties to the transaction - provision of services for the transportation of oil, concluded between JSC «KazTransOil" and joint-stock company «Exploration Production «KazMunayGas» contract for the provision of services on transportation of oil;
3) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on April 27, 2016 (minutes №13).

About signing with «Kazakhstan-China Pipeline» LLP contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 18 March 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for the operation of the main pipeline "Atasu-Alashankou" for 2016;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 14 March 2016.

About signing with «Kazakhstan-China Pipeline» LLP contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) Transaction date – 18 March 2016;
2) Basic essential of the deal – contract for the operation of the main pipeline "Kenkiyak-Kumkol" for 2016;
3) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 14 March 2016 2016.

On conclusion with LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - аdditional аgreement №1 to the contract for provision of services for the provision of accommodation by January 18, 2016 № EUS 152/2016.
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on March 17, 2016 (Minutes №10 of the meeting);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction – 1 102 000 (one million one hundred two thousand) tenge 92 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) percentage ratio of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000193%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in dormitories for workers LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts and ensuring the protection of the Eastern branch of the objects of JSC «KazTransOil»;
6) the date of the transaction - March 18, 2016.

On conclusion with LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - аdditional аgreement №1 to the contract for provision of services for the provision of accommodation by January 18, 2016 № EUS 151/2016.
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on March 17, 2016 (Minutes №10 of the meeting);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 231 476 (two hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred seventy-six) tenge 51 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) percentage ratio of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000040%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units (trailers) for the employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts and ensuring the protection of the Eastern branch of the objects of JSC «KazTransOil»;
6) the date of the transaction - March 18, 2016.

On conclusion with LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - the contract for the provision of food workers «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» at the sites of the Western branch of JSC «KazTransOil».
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 23 February 2016 (meeting №7 Protocol);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 26 046 782 (twenty six million forty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-two) tenge 80 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) percentage ratio of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 0045627%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for food LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» at the facilities of the Western branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
6) the date of the transaction - February 25, 2016.

On conclusion with LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - Agreement for the provision of premises for accommodation of workers «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» in the hostels of the Eastern branch of JSC «KazTransOil».
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 23 February 2016 (meeting №7 Protocol);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 3 546 220 (three million five hundred forty-six thousand two hundred twenty) tenge 20 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) percentage ratio of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000062120%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of premises for accommodation of workers LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» in hostels of the Eastern branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
6) the date of the transaction - February 25, 2016.

On conclusion with LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - the contract for the provision of food workers «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» at the sites of the Eastern branch of JSC «KazTransOil».
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 23 February 2016 (meeting №7 Protocol);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 31 369 647 (thirty one million three hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred forty-seven tenge) tenge 10 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) percentage ratio of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 0054951%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for food workers LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» at the facilities of the Eastern branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
6) the date of the transaction - February 25, 2016.

On conclusion with LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - Agreement for the provision of premises for accommodation of workers «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» in hostels West Branch of JSC «KazTransOil».
1) The date of the adoption of the body of the company the decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC «KazTransOil» on 23 February 2016 (meeting №7 Protocol);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 1 226 573 (one million two hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred seventy-three) tenge 90 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) percentage ratio of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 00021486%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of premises for accommodation of workers LLP «Семсер-Өрт сөндіруші» in hostels West Branch of JSC «KazTransOil»;
6) the date of the transaction - February 25, 2016.

On conclusion with LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Western branch of "KazTransOil".
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil", dated 14 January 2016 (minutes of the meeting №2);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction – 2 859 835 (two million eight hundred fifty-nine thousand eight hundred thirty-five) tenge 13 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000525%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts and ensuring the protection of objects of the Western branch of JSC «KazTransOil»;
6) the date of the transaction - January 18, 2016

On conclusion with LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units (trailers) for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Eastern branch JSC «KazTransOil».
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil", dated 14 January 2016 (minutes of the meeting №2);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction – 2 036 093 (two million thirty-six thousand and ninety-three) tenge 92 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000374%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units (trailers) for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts and ensuring the protection of objects of the Eastern branch of JSC «KazTransOil»;
6) the date of the transaction - January 18, 2016

On conclusion with LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in dormitories for workers LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts at the sites of the Eastern branch of JSC «KazTransOil».
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil", dated 14 January 2016 (minutes of the meeting №2);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction – 16 859 432 (sixteen million eight hundred fifty-nine thousand four hundred thirty-two) tenge 25 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 0030976%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in dormitories for workers LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts and ensuring the protection of objects of the Eastern branch of JSC «KazTransOil»;
6) the date of the transaction - January 18, 2016

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "KazMunayGas-refining and marketing" transaction in which "KazTransOil" JSC with interest - a contract for the provision of services for the transportation of oil.
1) The date of the authority of the company decisions on transactions - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" dated December 25, 2015 (meeting minutes №28);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of transactions - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of transactions - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of transactions, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) the basic essentials of the deal - the provision of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the conclusion of transactions - 30 December 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "EMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the transportation of oil.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 22, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "EMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 22, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "EMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Additional Agreement №1 to the agreement of transport expedition on December 15, 2014 №EX 07/2015//2029-117.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" of 29 October 2015 (meeting minutes №23);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 22, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "UMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the transportation of oil.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 21, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "UMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 21, 2015.

On conclusion of a LLP OOC "KazMunayTeniz" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the transportation of oil.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 21, 2015.

On conclusion of a LLP OOC "KazMunayTeniz" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 21, 2015.

On conclusion with «Operating Urikhtau" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the transportation of oil.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 21, 2015.

On conclusion with «Operating Urikhtau" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 21, 2015.

Оn the conclusion of a LLP "Kazakhturkmunai" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services on transportation of oil and Additional Agreement №1 to the agreement of transport expedition on December 15, 2014 №EХ11/2015.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 4, 2015.

Оn the conclusion of a CHKOO "KMG Kashagan BV" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Additional Agreement №1 to the agreement of transport expedition on December 30, 2014 №EХ 13/2015.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on November 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №25);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - December 4, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "UMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Additional Agreement №1 to the agreement of transport expedition on December 18, 2014 №EX06 /2015// 2768-206.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" of 29 October 2015 (meeting minutes №23);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex of services on transportation of oil;
6) the date of the transaction - November 20, 2015.

Оn the conclusion of a LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units for employees of LLP «KMG-Security».
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" of 29 October 2015 (meeting minutes №23);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 274 174 (two hundred and seventy-four thousand one hundred seventy-four) tenge 30 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000051%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units (trailers) for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts and ensuring the protection of objects of the Eastern branch of JSC "KazTransOil";
6) the date of the transaction - November 9, 2015.

Оn the conclusion of a LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units for employees of LLP «KMG-Security».
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" of 29 October 2015 (meeting minutes №23);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 410 793 (four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred ninety-three) tenge 60 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000077%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation in residential units (trailers) for employees of LLP «KMG-Security», working in shifts and ensuring the protection of objects of the Western branch of JSC "KazTransOil";
6) the date of the transaction - Nov. 2, 2015.

About signing with JSC NC "KazMunayGas" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - the agreement on financial assistance in the amount of 20 000 000 000 (twenty billion) tenge.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on October 26, 2015 (meeting minutes №22);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 20,000,000,000 (twenty billion) tenge 00 tiyn;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company – 3,67%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of "KazTransOil" JSC financial assistance of JSC NC "KazMunayGas" for a period up to 30 June 2016;
6) the date of the transaction - October 28, 2015.

On conclusion of a LLP "Semser- Ort Sondirushi" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services for the provision of accommodation to employees "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" in the hostels of the Eastern branch of JSC "KazTransOil".
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on August 27, 2015 (meeting minutes №18);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 973 912,8 (nine hundred seventy-three thousand nine hundred and twelve) tenge 80 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 0001899 %;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation to employees of LLP "Semser- Sondirushi Ort" in the hostels of the Eastern branch of JSC "KazTransOil";
6) the date of the transaction - September 7, 2015.

Оn the conclusion of a LLP "Semser- Ort Sondirushi" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement for the provision of services on the organization of three meals duty shift personnel of the fire post "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" at the units of the Eastern branch of the JSC "KazTransOil ".
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on August 27, 2015 (meeting minutes №18);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 12 043 144,36 (twelve million forty-three thousand one hundred forty-four) tenge 20 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company – 0, 002349%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - services for organizing three meals duty shift personnel of the fire post "Semser Sondirushi-Ort" at the units of the Eastern branch of JSC "KazTransOil";
6) the date of the transaction - September 7, 2015.

About signing with «KAMAZ - Engineering» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 28 August 2015;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 635 600 000 (six hundred thirty five million six hundred thousand) tenge, not including VAT;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – «KAMAZ – Engineering» JSC undertakes to supply «KazTransOil» JSC trucks according to the list, in the amount, at prices and terms specified in the contract;
6) Transaction date – 1 September 2015.

About signing with «KI Distribution» LLP transaction in which «KazTransOil» JSC has interest.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 24-25 June 2015;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 3 050 304 172 (three billion fifty million three hundred four thousand one hundred seventy two) tenge 31 tiin, VAT included;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – «KazTransOil» JSC has concluded with "KI Distribution" LLP additional agreement №1 to the supply contract from December 30, 2014 №DM17 / 2015;
6) Transaction date – 29 June 2015.

On conclusion with LLP «KMG-Security» transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - the contract for the provision of living.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil", dated 17 June 2015 (meeting minutes №14);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction – 5 255 472 (five million two hundred fifty-five thousand four hundred seventy-two) tenge 96 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0,00099%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the provision of services for the provision of accommodation;
6) the date of the transaction - July 1, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - Agreement on the conclusion of the relationship in connection with the termination of the contract on September 16, 2014 US503/2014//196-23/2014.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" of 22 June 2015 (meeting minutes №15);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction – 41 399 680 (forty-one million three hundred ninety-nine thousand six hundred eighty) tenge, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company – 0,0068%;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the completion of the relationship in connection with the termination of the contract on September 16, 2014 US503/2014//196-23/2014;
6) the date of the transaction - June 23, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "SZTK" MunaiTas "transaction which JSC" KazTransOil "interested party - the contract of sale of the land area of 0.217245 ha, intended for maintenance and operation of pumping station named after T. Kasymov oil trunk pipeline Uzen Atyrau-Samara.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on June 4, 2015 (meeting minutes №13);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 242 088 (two hundred forty-two thousand and eighty-eight) tenge;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - April 7, 2015;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000041 %;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the purchase and sale of land;
6) the date of the transaction - June 9, 2015.
On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "SZTK" MunaiTas "transaction which JSC" KazTransOil "interested party - the contract of sale of the land area of 0.04175 hectares, designed to accommodate pumping station" Makat "main oil pipeline Dossor, Makat.
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on June 4, 2015 (meeting minutes №13);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 442 550 (four hundred forty-two thousand five hundred fifty) tenge;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - April 7, 2015;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0, 000076 %;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the purchase and sale of land;
6) the date of the transaction - June 9, 2015.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "SZTK" MunaiTas "transaction which JSC" KazTransOil "interested party - the contract of sale of the land area of 2,198 hectares, designed to accommodate linear production dispatching station" Kenkiyak "main Kenkiyak-Orsk (2 line).
1) The date of the authority of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on June 4, 2015 (meeting minutes №13);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 5 385 000 (five million three hundred eighty five thousand) tenge;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - April 10, 2015;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of assets of the joint-stock company - 0,000920 %;
5) main substantial terms of the deal - the purchase and sale of land;
6) the date of the transaction - June 9, 2015.

About signing with «PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 19 May 2015;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 786 082 (seven hundred eighty six thousand eighty two) tenge 50 tiin, VAT not added;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – «PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources» JSC makes delivery of associated gas to the boiler of «Kumkol» Zhezkazgan oil pipeline control of the Eastern branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
6) Transaction date – the treaty enters into force on the date of the final adoption by the Board of Directors of the decision on its conclusion, covers the relations arising from 1 January 2015.

On conclusion of a joint-stock company "SZTK" MunaiTas "transaction which" KazTransOil "interested party - the procurement contract services for the operation of main oil pipelines (operating facilities and structures of the main pipeline" Kenkiyak-Atyrau ").
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on December 30, 2014 (Minutes №33);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - 1,053,851,186 (one billion fifty three million eight hundred fifty-one thousand one hundred eighty-six) tenge 39 tiyn, including VAT;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of the assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) The basic essentials of the deal - operation of facilities and structures of the main pipeline "Kenkiyak - Atyrau";
6) the date of the transaction - January 19, 2015.

On conclusion of a private limited liability company "KMG Kashagan BV" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on December 11, 2014 (Minutes №31);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of the assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) The basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex transportation services for oil exports;
6) the date of the transaction - December 30, 2014.

About signing with «SNPS – Aktobemunaygaz» transaction in which «KazTransOil» has interest.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 15 December 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – in accordance with the tariff for services on the operator's activity on unified routing, approved by the competent authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton mass of oil (net), which was submitted at the beginning of the route - 38.64 tenge, VAT not included;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – «KazTransOil» JSC undertakes on behalf of, for and on behalf of the shipper to provide services for the transportation of oil export shippers and deliver it to the consignee at the destination of transportation, and the consignor agrees to pay all costs associated with the services provided by the transportation of oil, as well as pay a fee of «KazTransOil» JSC in the manner and time stipulated in the Contract;
6) Transaction date – 18 December 2014.

About signing with «Mangystaumunaygaz» transaction in which «KazTransOil» has interest.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 15 December 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – in accordance with the tariff for services on the operator's activity on unified routing, approved by the competent authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton mass of oil (net), which was submitted at the beginning of the route - 38.64 tenge, VAT not included;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – «KazTransOil» JSC undertakes on behalf of, for and on behalf of the shipper to provide services for the transportation of oil export shippers and deliver it to the consignee at the destination of transportation, and the consignor agrees to pay all costs associated with the services provided by the transportation of oil, as well as pay a fee of «KazTransOil» JSC in the manner and time stipulated in the Contract;
6) Transaction date – 15 December 2014.

About intention to sign with «Kazakhoil Aktobe» transaction in which «KazTransOil» has interest.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 15 December 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – in accordance with the tariff for services on the operator's activity on unified routing, approved by the competent authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton mass of oil (net), which was submitted at the beginning of the route - 38.64 tenge, VAT not included;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – «KazTransOil» JSC undertakes on behalf of, for and on behalf of the shipper to provide services for the transportation of oil export shippers and deliver it to the consignee at the destination of transportation, and the consignor agrees to pay all costs associated with the services provided by the transportation of oil, as well as pay a fee of «KazTransOil» JSC in the manner and time stipulated in the Contract.

On conclusion of a joint-stock company "UMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on December 11, 2014 (Minutes №31);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of the assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) The basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex transportation services for oil exports;
6) the date of the transaction - December 18, 2014.

On conclusion of a joint-stock company "EMG" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on December 11, 2014 (Minutes №31);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of the assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) The basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex transportation services for oil exports;
6) the date of the transaction - December 15, 2014.

On conclusion with «Kazakhturkmunai" transaction which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on December 11, 2014 (Minutes №31);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of the assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) The basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex transportation services for oil exports;
6) the date of the transaction - December 15, 2014.

On conclusion of a LLP OOC "KazMunayTeniz" transaction which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding contract.
1) the date of the adoption of the body of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on December 11, 2014 (Minutes №31);
2) The value of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property which is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) The percentage of the value of the property that is the subject of the transaction, the total value of the assets of the joint-stock company - not applicable;
5) The basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of a complex transportation services for oil exports;
6) the date of the transaction - December 15, 2014.

About signing with private institution «Corporate University «Samruk-Kazyna» transaction in which «KazTransOil» has interest.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 21 November 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 47 040 00 (forty seven million forty thousand) tenge, VAT added (12%);
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – private institution «Corporate University «Samruk-Kazyna» undertakes to render services for training, retraining and advanced training of employees of «KazTransOil» JSC;
6) Transaction date – 21 November 2014.

About signing with «KI Distribution» transaction in which «KazTransOil» has interest.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 7 November 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 43 258 521 (forty three million two hundred fifty eight thousand five hundred twenty one) tenge 50 tiyn, VAT added (12%);
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – «KI Distribution» LLP undertakes to supply «KazTransOil» JSC with products according to the agreement;
6) Transaction date – 10 November 2014.

1. About signing with «Kazkommerts Securities» JSC (subsidiary of «Kazkommertsbank» JSC) contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party - additional agreement №1 to contract for the provision of market-maker services «KazTransOil» JSC securities from January 6, 2014 №US35 / 2014..
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 5 September 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 45 000 000 (forty five million) tenge, VAT not added;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – provision of market-maker services «KazTransOil» JSC securities;
6) Transaction date – 16 September 2014.
2. Approval of «KazTransOil» JSC transaction with JSC "Mangystaumunaygas" in which fulfillment of «KazTransOil» an interested party - Contract for rental (consumption) of thermal energy in the form of hot water for «Kalamkas» Mangistau Oil Pipeline Management West Branch of «KazTransOil» JSC dated June 6, 2014 № 530-13 // WPP 543/2014, effective from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 5 September 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 1 207 879,68 (one million two hundred seven thousand eight hundred seventy nine) tenge 68 tyn, including VAT;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – rental (consumption) of thermal energy in the form of hot water for «Kalamkas» Mangistau Oil Pipeline Management West Branch of «KazTransOil» JSC;
6) Transaction date – 6 June 2014.
3. Name change of «KazTranOil» JSC branch «Computing Center for collective use of the company» and the approval of the Regulation on the branch «Main Information - Computer Centre», of «KazTransOil» JSC.

By the decision of the Board of Directors of «KazTransOil» JSC in September 5, 2014 (Minutes № 9/2014) the name of the branch "Computing Center for collective use of the company «KazTransOil» changed and the Regulations on the branch «Main Information - Computer Center» of JSC «KazTransOil».

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "NWPC" MunaiTas "transaction in which" KazTransOil "interested party - a settlement agreement of the procurement of services for operation of oil pipelines (operation of facilities and structures of the main pipeline" Kenkiyak-Atyrau ") dated February 14, 2014 year № 44-2014 // OS2 / 2014.
1) The date of the body of the company decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" August 6, 2014 (Minutes of the meeting №17);
2) The value of the assets subject to the transaction - not applicable;
3) the date of the last valuation of the property that is the subject of the transaction - not applicable;
4) the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of the assets of the corporation - not applicable;
5) The main material terms of the transaction - termination of the procurement of services for the operation of oil pipelines (operation of facilities and structures of the main pipeline "Kenkiyak-Atyrau") dated February 14, 2014 № 44-2014 // OS2 / 2014;
6) the date of the transaction - August 15, 2014.

1. About signing with «Subsidiary of BTA Bank «BTA Insurance» JSC contract, in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party - contract of obligatory ecological insurance.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 27 June 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 1 520 122 (one million five hundred twenty thousand one hundred twenty two) tenge;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On obligatory ecological insurance» obligatory ecological insurance is subject to civil liability of individuals and (or) legal entities carrying out environmentally hazardous economic and other activities.
6) Transaction date – 1 July 2014.
2. About signing with private institution «Corporate University «Samruk-Kazyna» contract in which «KazTransOil» JSC interested party – procurement contract to provide personnel services.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – 27 June 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 329 240 572 (three hundred twenty nine million two hundred forty thousand five hundred seventy two) tenge, including VAT;
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essential of the deal – private institution «Corporate University «Samruk-Kazyna» undertakes to provide services to provide personnel to perform certain work in favor of «KazTransOil» JSC;
6) Transaction date – 27 June 2014.
3. About closing the Representative of the «KazTransOil» JSC in Kiev.
The Board of Directors of the Company on 27th of June 2014 decided to close Representative of Company in the city of Kiev.
1. About signing with LLP «Bioengineering» contract in which "KazTransOil" interested party - the service contract for the elimination of historical pollution (cleaning disturbed lands), removal of soil contaminated with oil at specialized sites (specially equipped places) of LLP «Bioengineering» for processing followed by revegetation.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – May 27, 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 162 550 520 (one hundred sixty-two million five hundred fifty thousand five hundred twenty) 16 tiyn tenge, including VAT (12 %);
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essentials of the deal – LLP «Bioengineering» providing services for the elimination of historical pollution ( cleaning disturbed lands ) , removal of soil contaminated with oil at specialized sites ( specially equipped places ) LLP «Bioengineering» to be processed for subsequent remediation disturbed lands;
6) Transaction date – May 28, 2014.
2. About signing with «Service center LLP "KazTurboRemont" contract in which " KazTransOil " interested party, - the contract to perform activities of construction and assembly Strainer filters relief valves for process piping NPS Koschagyl Kulsarinsk oil pipeline control of the Western branch of JSC "KazTransOil".
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – May 27, 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 337,120,000 ( three hundred thirty-seven million one hundred twenty thousand) tenge, including VAT (12 %);
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essentials of the deal – LLP "Service Center "KazTurboRemont" perform services on arrangement of filters and strainers installed node relief valves for process piping NPS Koschagyl Kulsarinsk oil pipeline control of the Western branch of JSC "KazTransOil";
6) Transaction date – May 28, 2014.
3. About signing with LLP «Service Center "KazTurboRemont" contract in which "KazTransOil" JSC interested party, - the contract to perform works on the reconstruction of pipelines household purposes Kigach, West Branch of JSC "KazTransOil".
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – May 27, 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 232 960 000 (two hundred thirty two million nine hundred sixty thousand) tenge, including VAT (12 %);
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essentials of the deal – LLP "Service Center "KazTurboRemont" perform works on the reconstruction of pipelines household purposes Kigach, West Branch of JSC "KazTransOil";
6) Transaction date – May 28, 2014.
4. About signing with LLP «Service Center "KazTurboRemont" contract in which "KazTransOil" JSC interested party, - the contract to perform works on the redesign of the industrial and domestic sewage of Kigach, West Branch of JSC “KazTransOil”.
1) The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – May 27, 2014;
2) Value of the property involved in the transaction – 161 280 000 (one hundred sixty-one million two hundred eighty thousand) tenge, including VAT (12 %);
3) Date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
4) Percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
5) Basic essentials of the deal – LLP "Service Center "KazTurboRemont" perform works on the reconstruction of industrial and domestic sewage of Kigach West Branch of JSC "KazTransOil";
6) Transaction date – May 28, 2014.

About signing with JSC NC «KazMunaiGas» transaction in which «KazTransOil» interested party - the contract of trust management of property.
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" from April 1, 2014 (Minutes № 7);
  2. The value of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable;
  3. the date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable ;
  4. the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction , the total value of the assets of the joint stock company - not applicable;
  5. the basic essentials of the deal - the transfer of the trust management office and other premises in the building located at: Astana Kabanbay batyra 19, Block «B»;
  6. the date of the transaction - April 7, 2014.

About signing with JSC "NWPC "MunayTas" transaction which "KazTransOil" interested party - the procurement contract services for the operation of the main pipelines (operating facilities and installations trunk pipeline "Kenkiyak - Atyrau").
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" on February 5, 2014 (Minutes№2);
  2. The value of the property involved in the transaction - 925,839,248 (nine hundred twenty-five million eight hundred thirty-nine thousand two hundred forty-eight) tenge 89 tiyn, including VAT;
  3. the date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable;
  4. the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction , the total value of the assets of the joint stock company - not applicable;
  5. the basic essentials of the deal - operation of facilities and structures trunk pipeline "Kenkiyak - Atyrau";
  6. the date of the transaction - February 14, 2014.

On conclusion with “KazakhOil Aktobe” transaction in which “KazTransOil” JSC is interested party – additional agreement № 1 to the contract of freight forwarding from December 24, 2013 № EX 01/2013//18CSL1Yk12.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 24, 2013.

On conclusion with “Tengizchevroil” transaction in which “KazTransOil” JSC is interested party – amendment №2 to the contract of freight forwarding from September 9, 2012 № EX 06/2012.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 24, 2013.

On conclusion with “Karazhanbasmunay” transaction in which “KazTransOil” is interested party – freight forwarding agreement.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 20, 2013.

On the conclusion of a private company with limited liability "KMG Kashagan BV" transaction which "KazTransOil" there is an interest - additional agreement № 1 to the contract of freight forwarding from July 9, 2013 EX number 10/2013.
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" dated November 19, 2013 (Minutes № 28);
  2. The value of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable ;
  3. the date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable ;
  4. the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction , the total value of the assets of the joint stock company - not applicable ;
  5. the basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of services on transportation of crude oil and renting transportation at the destination ;
  6. the date of the transaction - December 20, 2013.

On conclusion with corporation “ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc.” transaction in which “KazTransOil” JSC is interested party – additional agreement № 2 to the contract of freight forwarding from August 7, 2012 № ЕХ 40/2012.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 19, 2013.

On conclusion with the firm “Shell Kazakhstan Development BV” transaction in which “KazTransOil” JSC is interested party – additional agreement № 1 to the contract of freight forwarding from December 10, 2012 № ЕХ 09/2013.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 19, 2013.

About signing with JSC "Marine Oil Company "KazMunayTeniz" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding agreement.
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil " dated November 19, 2013 (Minutes № 28);
  2. The value of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable;
  3. the date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable ;
  4. the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction , the total value of the assets of the joint stock company - not applicable ;
  5. the basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of services on transportation of crude oil and renting transportation at the destination ;
  6. the date of the transaction - December 19, 2013.

On the On conclusion with CJSC “Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV” transaction in which “KazTransOil” JSC interested party – additional agreement № 3 to the contract of transport expedition from December 24, 2011№ ЕХ 30/2012.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 18, 2013.

On the conclusion of with “Inpex North Caspian Sea, LTD.” transaction in which “KazTransOil” JSC has an interest – additional agreement #2 to the contract of freight forwarding from August 10, 2012 № EX 38/2012.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 18, 2013.

On the conclusion of a "CNPC-Aktobe" transaction (contract) in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding agreement.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 18, 2013.

On conclusion with “Total E & P Kazakhstan” transaction in which “KazTransOil” JSC is interested party – additional agreement #2 to the contract of transport expedition from June 11, 2012 № ЕХ 37/2012.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 13, 2013.

On conclusion with “Mangistaumunaygaz” transaction in which “KazTransOil” is interested party – freight forwarding agreement.
  1. The date of the body of the company’s decision on the transaction – December 13, 2013;
  2. Value of the property involved in the transaction – “KazTransOil” JSC reward in accordance with the tariff for services of operator activity at a single routing approved by authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1 ton of oil mass (net) pumped into at the beginning of the route, using the tax regime in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable;
  4. percentage value of the property involved in the transaction to the total value of the assets of the joint stock company – not applicable;
  5. basic essentials of the deal – “KazTransOil” JSC providing services of freight forwarding in 2014;
  6. transaction date – December 13, 2013.

On the conclusion of a joint-stock company "UMG " transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding agreement.
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil " dated November 19, 2013 (Minutes № 28);
  2. The value of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable ;
  3. the date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable ;
  4. the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction, the total value of the assets of the joint stock company - not applicable ;
  5. the basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of services on transportation of crude oil and renting transportation at the destination ;
  6. the date of the transaction - December 13, 2013.

About signing with JSC "EMG " transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party - freight forwarding agreement.
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" dated November 19, 2013 (Minutes № 28);
  2. The value of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable;
  3. the date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction - not applicable;
  4. the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction , the total value of the assets of the joint stock company - not applicable;
  5. the basic essentials of the deal - the organization of performance of services on transportation of crude oil and renting transportation at the destination;
  6. the date of the transaction - December 10, 2013.

About signing with «Kazakhturkmunai " transaction which "KazTransOil " there is an interest - additional agreement № 2 to the contract of freight forwarding from December 12, 2011 № EX 03/2012.
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil " dated November 19, 2013 (Minutes № 28);
  2. The value of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable ;
  3. the date of the last valuation of the property involved in the transaction – not applicable ;
  4. the percentage of the value of assets subject to the transaction , the total value of the assets of the joint stock company - not applicable ;
  5. the basic essentials of the deal – the organization of performance of services on transportation of crude oil and renting transportation at the destination ;
  6. the date of the transaction – November 27, 2013.

About the transaction in which the JSC "KazTransOil" interest.
  1. The date of the body of the corporation decision on the transaction - the decision of the Board of JSC "KazTransOil" dated November 19, 2013 (Minutes № 28).
    Board of JSC "KazTransOil " decided to accord concluded between JSC "NK" Rosneft", JSC NC "KazMunaiGas" and "KazTransOil" transaction in which "KazTransOil" interested party – the preliminary contract of oil transportation through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and guarantees;
  2. The basic essentials of the deal – the guarantee of "KazTransOil" and JSC "NK" Rosneft" has signed an agreement for the provision of oil transportation route Priirtyshsk - Atasu-Alashankou in China in the amount of 7,000,000 (seven million ) tons per year, from January 1, 2014 . Validity of the contract of five (5 ) years with the possibility of automatic renewal for an additional five (5) years;
  3. The date of the transaction – November 11, 2013.

On conclusion of interested-party transaction by “KazTransOil” JSC with JSC NC "KazMunaiGas" – аtermination of fiduciary management agreement dated December 20, 2002 number РA 613/02//178//246-7(“KazMunayGas” NC JSC returns to “KazTransOil” JSC office premises, located at: floors 9, 14, 1/3 of conference-room, pavilion B, 19, KabanbaiBatyr, Astana city):
  1. Date of taking decision on conclusion of transaction by a body of a joint stock company – decision of the Management Board of “KazTransOil” JSC dated 2 July 2013 (minutes #20);
  2. Key substantial conditions of transaction – termination of the fiduciary management agreement dated 20 December, 2002 number РA 613/02//178;
  3. Date of transaction conclusion – September 3, 2013.

On conclusion of interested-party transaction by “KazTransOil” JSC with Private company with limited liability KMG Kashagan B.V. – freight forwarding agreement:
  1. Date of taking decision on conclusion of transaction by body of a joint stock company – decision of the Management Board of “KazTransOil” JSC dated 25 April 2013 (minutes #12);
  2. Key substantial conditions of transaction – organization of a complex of services on transportation of oil for export and delivery in the final point of transportation;
  3. Date of transaction conclusion – July 9, 2013.

On 18 June 2013 the Board of Directors of “KazTransOil” JSC (minutes №9/2013) considered interested-party transaction, concluded by “KazTransOil” JSC with “Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.” CJSC, - Amendment №2 to Freight Forwarding Contract № EX 30/2012 dated 24 December 2011.

On 17 May 2013 the Board of Directors of “KazTransOil” JSC (minutes #6/2013) considered interested-party transactions concluded by “KazTransOil” JSC with “Kazakhstan-China Pipeline” LLP:
  • agreement on operation of Atasu-Alashankou main oil pipeline;
  • agreement on operation of Kenkiyak-Kumkolmain oil pipeline.

On 28 March 2013 the Board of Directors of “KazTransOil” JSC considered interested-party transactions concluded by “KazTransOil” JSC (minutes of the meeting #4/2013):
  • agreement on delivery and acceptance of natural gas for the needs of OPS “Karazhanbas” of Mangistau oil pipeline department of Western branch of “KazTransOil” JSC, concluded with “Mangistaumunaigas” JSC;
  • agreement on delivery (consumprion) of heating energy in hot water for HOPS “Kalamkas” of Mangistau oil pipeline department of Western branch of “KazTransOil” JSC, concluded with “Mangistaumunaigas” JSC.

On 12 March 2013 the Board of Directors of “KazTransOil” JSC made a decision about concluding of following interested-party transactions by “KazTransOil” JSC (minutes of the meeting #3/2013):
  • with LLP “Tengizchevroil” - agreement on product sale and purchase (FCA terms - dry gas by pipeline);
  • with LLP “Kazakhoil – Aktobe” – agreement on provision of services on water supply to HOPS “Alibekmola” of Aktobe oil pipeline department of Western branch of “KazTransOil” JSC via “Kumzhargan – Munaishi rotation village” waterline
  • with LLP “PetroKazakhstan Oil Products” – agreement on water supply and waste water collection on PSP of Shymkent Oil Pipeline Department of Eastern branch of “KazTransOil” JSC;
  • with JSC «Mangistaumunaigas» - agreement on provision of services on water supply to HOPS “Kalamkas” and OPS “Karazhanbas” of Mangistau oil pipeline department of the Western branch of “KazTransOil” JSC;
  • with “Kazakhoil-Aktobe” LLP, - agreement on delivery of oil for boiler houses of Aktobe Oil Pipeline Department of Western branch of “KazTransOil” JSC;
  • with private entity “Corporate university “Samruk-Kazyna”, - agreement on procurement of services on organization and maintenance of training programs.

On 28 December 2012 the Board of Directors made a decision about concluding interested-party transactions by “KazTransOil” JSC (minutes of the meeting #17/2012):
  • with“Corporate university “Samruk-Kazyna” private entity - agreement on HR-consulting services;
  • with “Kazkommerts Securities” JSC (subsidiary of “Kazkommertsbank” JSC) – agreement on market-maker services on “KazTransOil” JSC securities.

KazTransOil JSC notifies that on 13 December 2012 the Board of Directors made a decision about concluding interested-party transactions by “KazTransOil” JSC (minutes of the meeting #16/2012):
  • with “Bioengineering” LLP - agreement on procurement of services on liquidation of consequences of accidental pollution of the environment in the results of illegal tie-inn on 1319.15 km of “Pavlodar – Shymkent” main oil pipeline;
  • with “Kazakhoil-Aktobe” LLP – freight forwarding agreement;
  • with “Mangistaumunaygas” JSC - freight forwarding agreement;
  • with “Karazhanbasmunay” JSC - freight forwarding agreement;
  • with “Karachagana Petroleum Operating BV” – additional agreement #1 to freight forwarding agreement dated 24.12.2011 # ЕХ 30/2012;
  • with CNPC-Aktobemunaygas” JSC - additional agreement #1 to freight forwarding agreement dated 9.07.2012 # ЕХ 35/2012;
  • with “Tengizchevroil” LLP – amendment #1 to freight forwarding agreement dated 9.09.2012 # ЕХ 06/2012.

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Site users must use the translated documents only to get an idea about the content of the Company approved documents placed on the website in Kazakh and / or Russian.

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