KZTO 800,88 (-0,00%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 800,88 (-0,00%)

Information disclosure

The public disclosure of information implies ensuring its availability to all interested parties regardless of the goals of receiving of such information according to the procedure that guarantees its finding and receiving.

Information disclosure of the Company on the stock market bases on the principles of reliability, consistency and efficiency.

The existing "KazTransOil" JSC regulations prohibit the disclosure of confidential information or data containing confidential information among specific or an indefinite number of persons in any form available to perception, and prohibit the transfer of such information to the person who does not have access to them. Confidential information includesoffice and commercial secret.

Commercial secret - the information that is not state secretabout production, financial, managerial, technological, financial and economic, legal, and other activities of the Company, to which access is limited by a number of people, disclosure, use and transfer of which to third parties may harm the interests of the Company.

Office Secrets - unclassified information concerning the internal organization of KazTransOil operating, the restriction on the distribution of which is due to business necessity.
The Company does not have any obligation to provide interested persons the documents legally translated into English or any other language. Documents posted on the website in English, are not legal translation.

Site users must use the translated documents only to get an idea about the content of the Company approved documents placed on the website in Kazakh and / or Russian.

The Company shall not be held responsible for the correctness of the findings of the person concerned as to the correctness and completeness of the translation of documents into English, as well as conclusions on the rights of the person concerned and / or obligations of the Company, made on the basis of the documents posted on the website in English.