KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)

About the company

«KazTransOil» JSC is an oil pipeline company of the Republic of Kazakhstan that provides services for the transportation of oil to the domestic market, for transit and for export.
The subject of activity of «KazTransOil» JSC are:
  • Provision of services on oil and petroleum products transportation (pumping, transshipment, unloading, loading, storage, blending) via main pipelines,
  • Organization of transportation and transit of Kazakh oil via pipeline networks of other states (operator’s activity on unified routing),
  • Operation and technical maintenance of main pipelines, that belong to other legal entities,
  • Provision of services on water delivery via main pipeline and distribution networks,
  • Provision of services on production, transfer and distribution of heating energy, transfer of power,
  • rovision of services for maintenance and repair of water pipelines within the group of companies of JSC NC «KazMunayGas»;
  • Implementation of other kinds of activity provided by the Charter.
The total length of the main oil pipelines of «KazTransOil» JSC is 5,196 km.
Oil transportation via trunk pipelines is provided by 36 oil pumping stations, 68 oil heating furnaces, a tank farm for oil storage with a total volume of 1,426 thousand tons. m 3.
Transshipment of oil is provided by 5 draining and filling railway overpasses, appropriate equipment for loading oil into tankers installed at 3 operating berths of the Aktau sea oil terminal.
In accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 12, 2023 No. 265 «About determination of the national operator on trunk oil pipeline and approvals of the Regulations on it» «KazTransOil» JSC has been designated as the national operator for the trunk oil pipeline.
The main objectives of «KazTransOil» JSC as a national operator are:
  1. ensuring the interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other participants in the relations during the transportation of products by trunk oil pipelines to the domestic and foreign markets;
  2. ensuring the innovative development of the oil trunk pipeline system and its integration into the global energy system;
  3. participation in the development and implementation of state and national programs for the development of the oil and gas sector in terms of oil transportation through trunk pipelines;
  4. development and submission to the authorized body of proposals on draft regulatory legal acts aimed at improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the main pipeline;
  5. participation in the development of projects of regulatory and regulatory-technical documentation in the field of trunk oil pipelines;
  6. participation in the development and implementation of international agreements in the field of oil transportation via trunk pipelines;
  7. participation in the implementation of international projects aimed at strengthening energy security and diversifying oil transportation routes.
«KazTransOil» JSC as a national operator within the framework of the realization of the right to provide services for the organization of transportation through pipeline systems of other states of oil transported from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan through trunk pipelines owned by ownership or other legal basis to the national operator (operator activity on a single routing), performs the following functions:
  1. conclude contracts with the senders of products for the organization of oil transportation through pipeline systems of other states;
  2. on the basis of concluded contracts for the organization of oil transportation through pipeline systems of other states, concludes, in accordance with the established procedure, relevant contracts with organizations, including organizations of other states providing services for the transportation of oil, transshipment of oil through sea terminals, freight forwarding (forwarding) services for transshipment of oil through sea terminals, and other contracts necessary to ensure the transportation through the pipeline systems of other states of oil transported from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan via a trunk oil pipeline owned by the national operator on the right of ownership or other legal basis.
«KazTransOil» JSC is included in the Republican section of the State Register of Subjects of Natural Monopolies. Tariffs for oil transportation services to the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan are approved by the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies, Protection of Competition and Consumer Rights of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Natural Monopolies», oil transportation services via trunk pipelines for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan are not included in the scope of regulation of natural monopolies.
«KazTransOil» JSC is a public company, 90% of which ordinary shares belong to JSC NC «KazMunayGas», and 10% of ordinary shares minus 1 share are under the control of minority shareholders.
The structure of «KazTransOil» JSC consists of 3 subsidiaries in Kazakhstan, Georgia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as 2 jointly controlled organizations located in Kazakhstan.
The amount of equity as of December 31, 2023 according to separate financial statements: KZT 774 136 437 thousand.
The amount of equity as of December 31, 2023 according to the consolidated financial statements: KZT 956 870 324 thousand.
The amount of assets as of December 31, 2023 according to separate financial statements: KZT 1 024 804 598 thousand.
The amount of assets as of December 31, 2023 according to the consolidated financial statements: KZT 1 358 382 110 thousand.
6702 people are the list number of employees of «KazTransOil» JSC as of December 31, 2021.

Production indicators

Indicator 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Volume of oil transportation and transshipment of petroleum products (consolidated), thousand tons 46 339 45 320 43 348 42 548 42 582 45 762
The volume of oil transportation separately by «KazTransOil» JSC, thousand tons 45 309 44 463 42 298 41 224 40 656 44 188
Oil cargo turnover (consolidated), million tons-km 46 120 45 580 43 757 43 837 44 073 43 784

Financial indicators

Indicator 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Revenue (according to the consolidated financial statements), billion tenge 225.4 239.6 235.2 238.2 255,6 290,4
Revenue (according to separate financial statements), billion tenge 212.5 222.8 215.4 214.8 212,1 241
Final profit (according to the consolidated financial statements), billion tenge 38.5 45.1 56.0 50.6 19,8 32,8
Final profit (according to separate financial statements), billion tenge 51.8 33.3 45.6 38.5 8,4 18