KZTO 799,99 (-0,35%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 799,99 (-0,35%)

Questions and Answers

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Here are the frequently asked questions to familiarize yourselves with before proceeding to the blog. We will provide answers to questions relating to personal information of «KazTransOil» JSC and Contractor employees, via e-mail only, as publishing this information online can violate the constitutional human rights and bear reputational risks. In this regard, please indicate your current e-mail address. Please click here to post your questions.
01.06.2020, 17:35
Tokbanov Serik
Question: Hi!
As you already know that worldwide pandemic situation caused significant fall oil price therefore I have uneasy question about buyback company shares. Today, as we all see picture of downgrade of price KZTO shares could you unveil insider information about buyback plan towards?

26.06.2020, 16:10
General Director of «KazTransOil» JSC Dimash Dossanov
Answer: Dear Mr. Tokbanov,

Indeed, the coronavirus pandemic has led to critical changes in the global economy. However, KazTransOil has the necessary resources to ensure a sustainable market position of the Company. In this regard, we do not see the need to.