KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)


Establishment of the Ombudsman Institution in KazTransOil JSC is aimed at improving corporate governance in the KazTransOil JSC and bringing it in line with the best corporate governance practices, designed to ensure the dissemination of business ethics in the KazTransOil JSC, independent and unbiased consideration of all violations of ethics, requirements of internal documents of the KazTransOil JSC and all laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In carrying out its activities, the Ombudsman is guided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the of KazTransOil JSC, Regulations on the Ombudsman, Corporate Governance Code, Code of Business Ethics of KazTransOil JSC and other internal documents of the Company.

One of the main tasks of the Ombudsman is to assist in resolving labor disputes, conflicts, problematic issues of social and labor nature, as well as compliance with the principles of corporate (business) ethics by the employees of the KazTransOil JSC.

The main duties of the Ombudsman are: to advise the employees, participants of labor disputes, conflicts and assist them in developing a mutually acceptable, constructive and implementable solution in compliance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and, if necessary, the principle of confidentiality; to assist in solving problem social and labor issues of employees, as well as in compliance with the principles of corporate ethics by employees; to explain the provisions of the KazTransOil JSC Code of Corporate (Business) Ethics to the of KazTransOil JSC executives and employees when they apply, and providing advice on ethical issues.

On November 1, 2024, by the decision of the Board of Directors of KazTransOil JSC, Serik Ishanbekuly Akbergen was appointed the Ombudsman of KazTransOil JSC.
Officials, employees of KazTransOil JSC, its subsidiaries and jointly controlled organizations and other stakeholders of KazTransOil JSC can contact the Ombudsman via the hotline:
•          verbally via the hotline: +7 /7172/ 555-210 ;
•          in writing to the electronic hotline:
In addition, these persons have the right to send paper appeals to the Ombudsman at the address: 010000, Astana, Yesil district, 20 Turan Avenue, entr.12, with a note on the envelope (package) «To the Ombudsman of KazTransOil JSC, which are transferred to him without opening.
Based on the results of consideration of the appeals, the Ombudsman's answers to the applicants will be provided in the form in which they were received (in writing or orally).