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Mazhilismen got acquainted with the activities of KazTransOil JSC

 22.01.2025    422

During the off-site meeting, held with the participation of Mazhilismen headed by the Chair of the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yedil Zhanbyrshin and the Chair of the Management Board of NC KazMunayGas JSC Askhat Khassenov, the production indicators of KazTransOil JSC for 2024, as well as plans for 2025 were considered.

The meeting participants listened to information on production programs, environmental initiatives, industrial safety and further plans for the company's development. They were presented the Concept of development of digital technology of KazTransOil JSC for 2025-2033, as well as plans for the development of the Astrakhan – Mangyshlak main water pipeline.

In addition, the prospects for rational and efficient utilization of natural resources were discussed. KazTransOil JSC constantly improves the environmental management system ISO 14001:2015. The Company complies with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as international and national standards in the field of environmental protection. Production control of emissions is carried out quarterly at all facilities of KazTransOil JSC.

Within the framework of the off-site meeting, the Mazhilismen visited the Main Control Division of KazTransOil JSC, where the oil transportation through the system of main oil pipelines is managed in the online mode. This project was realized thanks to the implementation of the supervisory control and cargo flow management system (SCADA).

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