KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)

24 years since the establishment of KazTransOil JSC

 02.04.2021    4340
Dear colleagues!
Today marks 24 years since KazTransOil JSC was first established. This is a big day for all of us.

We are proud of the formation history of our company. The making of KazTransOil was eventful and full of great achievements. Large alternative routes for the export of Kazakhstani oil were built in those years. The pipelines were built in incredibly short periods of time and under incredible conditions. All of this was made possible through the dedication and professionalism of our employees.
We believe in the sustainable development of KazTransOil JSC. We have everything we need: the highly qualified specialists, the new technologies, and the investments. But most importantly our great devotion to our company's prosperity and daily actions taken to accomplish it.
For more than a year now we have been working amid the coronavirus pandemic. We would like to thank our production personnel for their steadfastness, discipline, coherence and precision in actions, developed by years of honest work. It is thanks to you that, despite external challenges, the KazTransOil JSC system of main oil pipelines is functioning in regular operation mode.
Dear colleagues, we work with maximum efficiency, as our goal remains clear - we are building a strong Kazakhstan! Wishing you and your loved ones health, happiness and all the best.
Categories: The company's life