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Sports teambuilding event for May 1st

 03.05.2023    1809

Republic of Kazakhstan is a multinational country, where more than 150 nations and nationalities live. And every citizen of the country has right to observe their age-old traditions. Nevertheless, all residents are united by love for their country in which they live, work and raise their children. People consider themselves an integral part of the state which unites them under a single flag and which they are called upon to defend because this land is called the Motherland. 

Thanks to the wise policy of our state, today we are citizens with full range of rights, we live in a peaceful and prosperous country. One of the state priorities of our republic is constant concern for material and spiritual well-being of the people. We understand that the principle of interethnic harmony is the most important, since national unity is a state of mind, love for the country and the people. In each of us, whether Kazakh or Russian, Ukrainian or Uyghur, lives the spirit of patriotism, a sense of pride for our Republic. We are proud of unity and friendship between all nations living in Kazakhstan. This has become the basis of economic and political stability of our society. And in Kazakhstan, any religion is respected.    

For all of us, May 1 is a holiday of friendship, understanding and solidarity which are so necessary for peaceful life of society. And everyone considers it necessary to acquaint other nations and nationalities with their traditions, national decorations and treats, mass festivities are organized throughout the country.

In Kazakhstan-China Pipeline LLP great attention is paid to people. And it was no coincidence that it was decided to celebrate the Holiday of Unity of Peoples of Kazakhstan with a trip to nature. The event took place «At Mikhalych» hacienda where employees were delivered by comfortable transport high in the mountains, near Shymbulak.

Funny dances, sports competitions – all this makes the event one of the brightest and favorite holidays. At the celebration, much attention was paid to Kazakh traditions, national games were organized. After the sports competition, during a festive dinner, employees of the Partnership held a KVN. And, as always, friendship won.

The Day of Unity of People of Kazakhstan is a celebration of true patriotism, devotion to one's country and selfless love for the land of fathers, which is designed to consolidate the nation into a single whole.

Categories: The company's life