KZTO 802,91 (-0,25%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 802,91 (-0,25%)

The Share of KazTransOil JSC's Procurements from Domestic Suppliers Reached 72% in 2024.

 04.02.2025    351

       KazTransOil JSC continues its active efforts to increase the share of local content in its procurement activities, including attracting Kazakhstani suppliers for the procurement of goods, works, and services.

      As of the end of 2024, the share of in-country value (ICV) in KazTransOil JSC’s procurement reached 72%, including 56% for goods and 76% for works and services. In monetary terms, the share of procurements with in-country value in 2024 amounted to 109 million tenge.

      In 2024, the total value of contracts signed by KazTransOil JSC with domestic suppliers of goods amounted to 8.4 billion tenge, including four off-take contracts (for goods produced by potential suppliers under the Samruk-Kazyna Program to support the creation of new manufacturing facilities).

      In 2025, KazTransOil JSC plans to conduct procurements totaling 11 billion tenge among organizations that have priority in the procurement processes of the Samruk-Kazyna National Wealth Fund, including companies listed in the Fund’s registry of domestic manufacturers, organizations of persons with disabilities, and suppliers of trusted software.

      KazTransOil JSC continues to implement its procurement activities in accordance with corporate principles and standards, emphasizing collaboration with domestic suppliers and increasing the share of in-country value in the procurement of goods, works, and services.
