KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
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Energy consumption and energy saving

Optimization of the energy resources used is one of the key activities of KazTransOil JSC, within which the Company pays special attention to improving the energy efficiency of production processes.

The strategic importance of the implementation of tasks in this area is fixed in the Energy Policy of KazTransOil JSC, updated in 2023.
Every year, the CEO (Chairman of the Management Board) of KazTransOil JSC approves energy efficiency targets for SSD and the Company as a whole, such as:
  • reduction of specific consumption of all types of energy (for oil cargo turnover);
  • reduction of specific energy consumption (for oil cargo turnover);
  • reduction of specific gas consumption for oil cargo turnover through «hot» oil pipelines;
  • reduction of total energy consumption.
To achieve energy goals, the Company operates an energy management system certified in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard.

The energy consumption structure of KazTransOil JSC includes various types of energy resources, the most important of which are natural gas and electricity, which together account for 91% of the total energy consumption used for oil transportation.

In 2024, the Company conducted another scheduled energy audit. Based on the results of the energy audit, an Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency improvement for 2025-2029 was developed and approved.

The Company uses renewable energy sources in its operations, they are installed at the communication nodes and cathodic protection stations of the main oil pipelines, the total power generation for 2024 amounted to 145 thousand kWh.

The production processes of KazTransOil JSC are quite energy-intensive, and therefore an urgent task for the Company is to find and implement solutions to reduce energy consumption.

Energy policy of KazTransOil JSC (Download | View in new window)
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