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Industrial safety and occupational health

In order to implement production control at dangerous production facilities, the Regulation on industrial control over observance of industrial safety requirements at dangerous production facilities of «KazTransOil» JSC was developed and put into effect. In accordance with this and other internal standards, the Company organizes multilevel control in the field of labor protection, industrial safety and environmental protection. The implementation of production control is organized at all levels, from the linear master and the performance manager to the management of the Company.

As a result of the work of the commissions, measures are taken to reduce the possibility of the risks of accidents and incidents, which are subsequently included in the production program, and their execution is monitored, by authorized employees of the Central Office.

In 2023, the certification body TUV NORD CTRT GmbH conducted an inspection audit of the integrated management system, following which KazTransOil JSC confirmed compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

HSE Policy of KazTransOil JSC (Download | View in new window)
pdf    372.34Кб    203

ISO 45001:2018 (Download | View in new window)
pdf    1.46Мб    309

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