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Tariffs for oil transportation sevices


Tariffs for oil transportation services to the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan are approved by the authorized body in the field of natural monopolies.

The calculation of tariffs for oil transportation services to the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out in accordance with the Rules of Tariff Formation approved by the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2019 No. 90.

The Order of the Chairman of the Regulation of Natural Monopolies Committee under the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the RNMC) as of November 27, 2020 No.71-OD approved tariff and tariff estimates for regulated service for oil pumping in the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the main pipeline system of KazTransOil JSC (the domestic market) for 2021-2025, where domestic tariff was KZT4,355.57/ton/1000 km (without VAT) (the Order).

The Order of the Chairman of the Regulation of Natural Monopolies Committee under the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 20, 2023 No.85-OD the amendments were made to the Order where the tariff and tariff estimate of KazTransOil JSC for the regulated service of oil pumping to the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the system of main pipelines for 2021-2025 in the amount of KZT4,849.39/ton/1000 km (without VAT).

This tariff will be effective from July 1, 2023.

The General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of «KazTransOil» JSC approved the tariffs for regulated additional oil transportation services (Order No. 112 dated October 28, 2015) which entered into force on December 1, 2015 as per the Law «On Natural Monopolies» of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Starting from October 1, 2022 the tariff for the regulated oil transshipment service from N. Shmanov Oil Pump Station to the Kenkiyak-Atyrau oil pipeline is KZT 37.23 per 1 ton (excluding VAT) (Order No. 144-OD of acting Chairman of the Committee for Natural Monopolies Regulation under the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 13, 2022).

Table 1. Tariffs for regulated additional oil transportation services
Ser./No. Services Tariff, tenge per ton
(excluding VAT)
1 Oil filling in railway tanks at the NPS named after T. Kassymov 409,57
2 Oil discharge from railway tanks at the NPS named after T. Kassymov 746,34
3 Transshipment of oil at the NPS named after T. Kassymov to the Kenkiyak - Atyrau oil pipeline 80,34
4 Oil discharge from railway tanks at the Aktau Gas transportation Station 121,00
5 Transshipment of oil at the Makat oil refinery to the Kenkiyak - Atyrau oil pipeline 1 118,10
6 Transshipment of oil to the Kenkiyak Gas station 89,15
7 Transshipment of oil at N.N. Shmanov Oil Refinery to the Kenkiyak - Atyrau oil pipeline 37,23
8 Oil discharge from railway tanks on the Atasu oil pumping station overpass 373,52
9 Oil filling in railway tanks at the Atasu oil loading ramp 306,05
10 Oil filling in railway tanks on the Shagyr oil loading ramp 280,90
11 Single routing operator activity 41,45
12 Oil storage in vertical steel tanks 233,76 tenge per ton per month

With the adoption of amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Natural Monopolies» in May 2015, oil transportation services for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan were excluded from the sphere of natural monopolies.

To calculate tariffs for oil transportation services for export and transit, «KazTransOil» JSC has developed and applies a Methodology for calculating tariffs for services of «KazTransOil» JSC for oil transportation via trunk pipelines for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan and transit through the country.

Tariffs for oil transportation services for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan and transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are approved by «KazTransOil» JSC independently.


1. In accordance with the Order of General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of KazTransOil JSC dated May 26, 2023 No.53, the tariff for oil transportation service through the main pipelines for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of KZT10,150.00 per 1 ton/1000 km excluding VAT was approved. The mentioned tariff is effective since July 1, 2023.

2. The Order of the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of KazTransOil JSC dated April 15, 2022 No. 24 approved the tariff for the service of KazTransOil JSC for pumping oil through trunk pipelines for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 8,830.51 tenge per 1 ton per 1000 km (excluding VAT). The specified tariff is effective from June 1, 2022.

3. By Order No. 47 of the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of «KazTransOil» JSC dated February 27, 2018, the tariff for the service of «KazTransOil» JSC for pumping oil for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the Kazakhstan section of the Tuimazy – Omsk - Novosibirsk-2 trunk pipeline was approved in the amount of 4,292.4 tenge per 1 ton per 1000 km (without VAT).

4. By Order No. 154 of the General Director (Chairman of the Board of Directors) of KazTransOil JSC dated December 27, 2022, the following tariffs for the services of KazTransOil JSC for the transportation of oil of Russian origin for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan were approved for non-residents:

1) pumping of oil along the route «border of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Kazakhstan – Shagyr oil loading point in the amount of 14.32 US dollars per 1 ton per 1000 km (excluding VAT);

2) loading of oil into railway tanks at the Shagyr oil loading point in the amount of 0.84 US dollars per 1 ton (excluding VAT).The new tariffs are effective from February 1, 2023. 

The cost of transporting oil of Russian origin for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan is set for non-residents in the amount of 25.12 USD per 1 ton (excluding VAT), including:

1) the cost of pumping oil along the route of the border of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Shagyr oil loading point, taking into account the above tariff - 24.28 USD per 1 ton (excluding VAT);

2) the tariff for filling into railway tanks at the Shagyr oil loading point is 0.84 US dollars per 1 ton (excluding VAT).

By Order No. 154 of the General Director (Chairman of the Board of Directors) of KazTransOil JSC dated December 27, 2022, the following tariffs for the services of KazTransOil JSC for the transportation of oil of Russian origin for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan were approved for non-residents:

1) pumping of oil along the route «border of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Kazakhstan – Shagyr oil loading point in the amount of 14.32 US dollars per 1 ton per 1000 km (excluding VAT);

2) loading of oil into railway tanks at the Shagyr oil loading point in the amount of 0.84 US dollars per 1 ton (excluding VAT).The new tariffs are effective from February 1, 2023. 

KazTransOil JSC hereby informs that the Order of the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of KazTransOil JSC dated November 30, 2023 № 131 established the cost of oil pumping for non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan along the Kazakh section of the Tuimazy-Omsk-Novosibirsk-2 trunk pipeline in the amount of USD2.1 per 1 ton (excluding VAT).

The specified pumping cost is effective as of January 1, 2024. 

5. By Order No. 111 of the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of «KazTransOil» JSC dated October 28, 2015, tariffs for additional oil transportation services for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan and transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan were approved.

Pursuant to the Order of General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of KazTransOil JSC dated November 25, 2022, No.138, service tariff of «KazTransOil» JSC on discharging oil from rail tank cars at the Aktau main oil pumping station to export from the Republic of Kazakhstan is approved for the amount of KZT375.00 per 1 ton (excluding VAT). The tariff is effective from January 1, 2023.

By the Orders of the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of KazTransOil JSC dated March 31, 2023 № 30 and № 31 the following service tariffs of KazTransOil JSC for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan and transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan were approved:
  • loading of oil into rail tank cars at Kasymov Oil Pumping Station - in the amount of KZT1,213.20 per 1 ton (excluding VAT);
  • oil transshipment at Kasymov Oil Pumping Station to the system of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium without oil heating - in the amount of KZT263.49 per 1 ton (without VAT);
  • oil transshipment at Kasymov Oil Pumping Station to the system of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium with oil heating - in the amount of KZT320.09 per 1 ton (excluding VAT);
  • oil transshipment at Makat Oil Pumping Station to Kenkiyak - Atyrau pipeline - in the amount of KZT2,283.27 per 1 ton (excluding VAT);
  • oil transshipment at Kenkiyak Main Oil Pumping Station - in the amount of KZT337.5 per 1 ton (excluding VAT);
  • single routing operator activity - in the amount of KZT84.47 per 1 ton (excluding VAT);
  • oil transshipment at Shmanov Oil Pumping Station to Kenkiyak - Atyrau oil pipeline for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of KZT1,000.00 per 1 ton (excluding VAT).
These tariffs are effective from May 1, 2023.

Table 2. Tariffs for additional oil transportation services for export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan and transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ser./No. Services Tariff, tenge per ton
(excluding VAT)
1 Oil filling in railway tanks at the NPS named after T. Kassymov (former Atyrau NPP) 1 213.20
2 Oil discharge from railway tanks at the NPS named after T. Kassymov 746.34
3 Transshipment of oil at the NPS named after T. Kassymov to the CPC system without heating oil 263.49
4 Transshipment of oil at the NPS named after T. Kassymov to the CPC system with oil heating 320.09
5 Transshipment of oil at the NPS named after T. Kassymov to the Kenkiyak - Atyrau oil pipeline 80,34
6 Filling of oil into tankers at the Aktau Gas Station 403.71
7 Oil discharge from railway tanks at the Aktau Gas transportation Station 375.00
8 Transshipment of oil at the Makat oil refinery to the Kenkiyak - Atyrau oil pipeline 2 436
9 Transshipment of oil to the Kenkiyak Gas station 740
10 Transshipment of oil to the Atasu Gas Station to the Atasu-Alashankou oil pipeline 380
11 Oil discharge from railway tanks on the Atasu oil pumping station overpass 373.52
12 Oil filling in railway tanks at the Atasu oil loading ramp 306.05
13 Oil filling in railway tanks on the Shagyr oil loading ramp 280.90
14 Single routing operator activity 84.47
15 Oil storage in vertical steel tanks 233.76 tenge per ton per month
16 Transshipment of oil at the NPS named after N. Shmanov oil pumping station to the Kenkiyak-Atyrau pipeline 1 000.00
6. The tariff for shipment of oil from N. Shmanov oil pumping station to the Kenkiyak-Atyrau pipeline for export was approved at 500.00 tenge per 1 ton (net of VAT) as per the order №37 of the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of «KazTransOil» JSC dated April 29, 2022. The new tariff is effective from June 1, 2022.  

The cost of transportation of Russian oil for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People's Republic of China is approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2023 No. 485 approved for the period 2024-2033 the cost of transporting Russian oil in the amount of 10 million tons per year through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People's Republic of China along the transportation route «Border of the Russian Federation – Border of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Priirtyshsk) – Atasu (Republic of Kazakhstan) – Alashankou (People's Republic of China)» in the amount of USD 15.0 per 1 ton excluding VAT, including:
  • on the section «border of the Russian Federation – border of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Priirtyshsk) – Atasu (Republic of Kazakhstan), including the transshipment of oil to the Atasu Gas Station – 4.23 US dollars per 1 ton, excluding VAT;
  • at the Atasu site (Republic of Kazakhstan) – Alashankou (People's Republic of China)» – 10.77 US dollars per 1 ton excluding VAT.
