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Consolidated revenue of KazTransOil JSC for 2022 amounted to 255 billion 627.3 million Tenge

 09.03.2023    715
Consolidated revenue of KazTransOil JSC for 2022 amounted to 255 billion 627.3 million Tenge, which is by 7.3% higher than the same indicator for 2021.
Consolidated net profit of KazTransOil JSC for 2022 amounted to 19 billion 801.7 million Tenge, which is by 60.9% lower than the result for 2021.
At the same time, separate revenue of KazTransOil JSC for 2022 amounted to 212 billion 136.2 million Tenge, which is by 1.3% lower than the same indicator for 2021.
Separate net profit of KazTransOil JSC for 2022 amounted to 8 billion 369.3 million Tenge, which is by 78.3% lower than the result for 2021.
Categories: Press releases