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LLP «Main Water Line by 37% increases tariff for a regulated service for the supply of water through main pipelines for industrial enterprises, commercial organizations and oil and gas producing enterprises

 31.08.2023    772

By order of the Department of the Committee for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Atyrau Region (hereinafter referred to as DKREM) dated August 28, 2023 No. 56-OD, amendments were made to the order of the DCREM dated August 19, 2022 No. 74-OD «On approval of tariffs and tariff estimates limited liability partnership «Main Water Line» for a regulated service for the supply of water through main pipelines for 2022-2027» with entry into force from September 1, 2023:

- population, budgetary and non-profit organizations, as well as other enterprises providing utility services to the population, budgetary and non-profit organizations - 18.04 tenge / m³;

- agricultural commodity producer - 64.98 tenge/m³;

- industrial enterprises and other commercial organizations - 626.66 tenge/m³;

- oil and gas producing enterprises - 1,870.55 tenge/m³.

With this in mind, the average tariff increased from 455.87 to 626.66 tenge/m³ or by 170.79 tenge/m³, which is 37%.

At the same time, the tariff for the population, budgetary and non-profit organizations, as well as other enterprises providing utility services to the population, budgetary and non-profit organizations, and agricultural producers, the tariff remains at the same level without changes.

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