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In February, KazTransOil JSC supplied to Germany 100 thousand tons of Kazakh oil

 06.03.2024    469

In February 2024, the volume of transportation of Kazakh oil through the trunk oil pipeline system of Transneft PJSC in the direction of the Adamova Zastava oil delivery point for further delivery to Germany amounted to100 thousand tons. Thus, since the beginning of 2024, 200 thousand tons of Kazakh oil have been supplied to Germany. In March, KazTransOil JSC plans to supply 100 thousand tons of Kazakh oil to Germany.

In 2024, KazTransOil JSC plans to ship up to 1.2 million tons of Kazakh oil via the trunk oil pipeline system of Transneft PJSC towards the Adamova Zastava oil delivery point for delivery to Germany.

In 2023, the volume of transportation of Kazakh oil along this route for delivery to Germany amounted to 993 thousand tons.

The oil export route from the Karachaganak field to Germany begins with the receipt of oil into the main oil pipeline system of KazTransOil JSC at the Ulken Shagan oil pumping station, located at 1150.3 km of the Uzen-Atyrau-Samara main oil pipeline. At the acceptance and delivery point at 1235 km of the Uzen-Atyrau-Samara main oil pipeline, located on the border with the Russian Federation, oil is delivered to the PJSC Transneft pipeline system.

KazTransOil JSC ensures the transit of oil through the territory of the Russian Federation through the pipeline system of Transneft PJSC to the Unecha oil delivery point. Next, Kazakh oil is pumped through the territory of the Republic of Belarus through the pipeline system of Gomeltransneft Druzhba OJSC to the Adamova Zastava oil delivery point in Poland and delivered to the Polish company PERN for further delivery to the Schwedt oil refinery in Germany.

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