KZTO 808,99 (+0,60)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 808,99 (+0,60)

Starting from May 1, 2025, the tariff of KazTransOil JSC for the provision of oil replacement services in the main pipeline system at Atasu Main pump station – Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant section will change

 19.03.2025    88

In accordance with the order of the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) of KazTransOil JSC No. 28 dated March 18, 2025, from May 1, 2025, the tariff for additional oil replacement service in the main pipeline system at Atasu Main pump station - Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant section will change. The new tariff will amount to 1903.87 tenge per 1 ton (VAT excluded).

The current tariff of 1458.13 tenge per ton (VAT excluded) was introduced on January 1, 2014.
