KZTO 834,00 (-0,71%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 834,00 (-0,71%)

Sustainable development

Sustainable development of KazTransOil JSC is one of the fundamental strategies of development of the Company. The sustainable development of KazTransOil JSC is one of the basic directions of the Company’s development strategy. The basic principles of sustainable development include effective business development, while preserving and protecting the environment, ensuring comfortable and safe working conditions, providing possibilities for professional growth, taking care of the health of workers and members of their families and contribution to the development of local communities in which the Company operates.

The Company publishes Sustainability Report as part of the Annual Report.

The Company formulated a mission in the field of sustainable development, which is to make a positive contribution to the socio-economic development of the regions in which it operates, in accordance with the principles of environmental and social responsibility, so as to meet the needs of the present and preserve and increase the opportunities of future generations. In order to achieve this goal, KazTransOil JSC continuously works to improve its practices in the field of sustainable development, following six basic principles:
  • Ensuring effective and uninterrupted business;
  • Minimising adverse environmental impacts;
  • Rational and effective use of natural resources;
  • Professional development and social assistance;
  • Ensuring occupational safety;
  • Production assets management.
Improvement of corporate governance and sustainable development is an integral part of the Company's development strategy until 2028.

Sustainability issues are managed at all organisational levels of the Company's management. Individual issues are managed by the relevant departments at head office level and at SBU level - services and departments responsible for specific areas of sustainable development, such as human resources, occupational health and safety and environmental protection. The work of the services and departments is coordinated and reconciled through direct interaction with the Company's head office.
International standards with which KazTransOil JSC complies in its sustainable development activities:
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems;
  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems;
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems;
  • ISO 50001:2018 Energy management systems.
In 2022, the Company performed certification audits by independent bodies to confirm compliance with international standards and to renew international certificates for a new three-year period.

UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Recognising the importance of companies around the world working together to achieve a sustainable future, KazTransOil JSC fully supports international sustainable development initiatives, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals. KazTransOil JSC works to contribute to their achievement through responsible business conduct, application of best corporate governance practices, minimisation of environmental impact, effective human resources management, provision of safe working conditions and accident-free operation of production facilities.

KazTransOil JSC understands the importance of all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and has identified nine main goals, the achievement of which will have the greatest impact on the Company's activities. The main results of the Company contributing to these goals in 2022 are shown in the following table.

9 UN Sustainable Development Goals have been identified as the most relevant for KazTransOil JSC, where the company can make the most significant contribution:
  • Good health and well-being;
  • Quality education;
  • Clean water and sanitation;
  • Affordable and clean energy;
  • Decent work and economic growth;
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure;
  • Climate action;
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions;
  • Partnerships for the goals.

Stakeholder Engagement
As the national operator of the main oil pipeline of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company is aware of the high level of its responsibility in matters of interaction with stakeholders. KazTransOil JSC continuously works to establish and maintain open and trusting relations with them, based on the principles of honesty, fairness, integrity, transparency and responsibility. In addition, an important principle of the Company's interaction with stakeholders is to define their needs and expectations in accordance with the requirements of the management system standards implemented in the Company (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001).

In 2023, the Stakeholder Map was updated.

Map of stakeholders of KazTransOil JSC for 2024-2026 (Download | View in new window)
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The list of stakeholders includes both internal (within the Company and its SJCE) and external (outside the Company and its SJCE) stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement Process
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Stakeholder Engagement Process

The Company engages with its stakeholders on an ongoing basis. As a result of identifying stakeholder needs and expectations, the Company develops a list of material issues and a holistic view of the activities required for effective stakeholder engagement.
The Company was appointed as a national main oil pipeline operator. The Company’s representatives are members of this Association’s Coordination Board for Oil and Gas Sector Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan Taxpayers Association
The main goal of the Kazakhstan Taxpayers Association is to promote protection of legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers and to provide timely information about amendments to tax laws.

The Company’s representatives participate in task force groups of this Association and ensure the Company’s involvement in the development of these amendments and addenda to the tax laws.
International Association of Oil Transporters
The International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT) was set up to coordinate efforts to effectively develop the oil transportation systems of participating companies and to increase the stability of international oil transportation.

IAOT comprises ten largest international oil transportation companies: «MERO CR» (Czech Republic) JSC, «Transneft» (Russia) PJSC, «KazTransOil» (Kazakhstan) JSC, «Transpetrol» (Slovakia) JSC, «Gomeltransneft Druzhba» (Belarus) JSC, «MOL» (Hungary) JSC, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC, China), Ukrtransnafta (Ukraine) JSC and Yanaf (Croatia) JSC and TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo (Serbia).

One company, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), acts as an observer.

4 expert working groups have been created from representatives of the Association's members: on energy efficiency, on legal issues, on oil supplies and on efficient, reliable and safe operation of main pipeline systems.
In addition to the activities of the permanent expert panels, the Association’s main operations include biannual Management Board meetings, conferences, exhibitions and seminars, technical visits and knowledge sharing.
Republic of Kazakhstan National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken»
NCE Atameken was established to improve the business and investment climate, promote stability and develop the country’s business environment both for domestic and foreign investors.

Participation in this organisation safeguards the rights and interests of business entities, ensures wide coverage and involvement of all entrepreneurs in development of legal and other regulatory business rules.