KazTransOil JSC pays special attention to the issues of sustainable development in its activities. Improving the corporate governance and sustainable development system is an integral part of the Development Strategy of
KazTransOil JSC for 2024-2033.
The mission of KazTransOil JSC in the field of sustainable development is to make a positive contribution to the socio-economic development of the regions of its presence. At each level of activity, KazTransOil JSC takes into account environmental and social factors, implements best practices in production and management processes.
KazTransOil JSC has identified Strategic initiatives in the field of sustainable development. To achieve these goals, KazTransOil JSC continuously works to improve its practices in the field of sustainable development, following the principles of environmental and social responsibility set out in six basic principles.
The priorities of KazTransOil JSC in the field of sustainable development are:
ensuring the efficiency and continuity of business activities;
minimizing the negative impact on the environment;
rational and efficient use of natural resources;
professional development and social support for employees;
ensuring industrial safety;
management of production assets.
Improving the sustainable development system is one of the key directions and goals of the Development Strategy of KazTransOil JSC for 2024-2033 and long-term sustainable development.
Strategic initiatives of KazTransOil JSC in the field of sustainable development:
reducing the negative impact on the environment;
energy saving and energy efficiency improvement;
ensuring industrial and occupational safety;
human capital development and respect for human rights;
effective corporate governance;
effective supply chain management.
The management of sustainable development issues is integrated into the corporate governance system of KazTransOil JSC and is carried out at all organizational levels of KazTransOil JSC.
Sustainable development issues are managed at all organizational levels of the Company's management: the Board of Directors and the Company's management are actively involved in the process of managing sustainable development issues. The Board of Directors regularly considers issues related to the Company's ESG activities. The Committee on Strategic Planning, Safety and Environmental Protection assists in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development.
KazTransOil JSC has implemented and successfully operates an integrated management system that combines four management systems into a single structure, functioning as a single whole:
quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 «Quality management systems. Requirements»;
environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015 «Environmental management systems. Requirements and guidelines for their application»;
energy management system according to ISO 50001:2018 «Energy management systems. Requirements and guidelines for their application»;
Occupational health and safety management system according to ISO 45001:2018 «Occupational health and safety management systems. Requirements and guidelines for their application».
Support for UN initiatives
In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at addressing significant economic, social and environmental issues that have defined the global community's sustainable development agenda for the period up to 2030.
KazTransOil shares the UN initiative and strives to contribute to the achievement of individual SDGs through responsible business conduct, application of best corporate governance practices, minimization of environmental impact and effective personnel management.
The 9 UN Sustainable Development Goals were identified as the most relevant for KazTransOil JSC, where the company can make the most significant contribution:
good health and well-being;
quality education;
clean water and sanitation;
low-cost and clean energy;
decent work and economic growth;
industrialization, innovation and infrastructure;
fighting climate change;
peace, justice and effective institutions;
partnership for sustainable development.
Interaction with stakeholders
In accordance with the Charter of KazTransOil JSC and the Corporate Governance Code, the decision of the Board of KazTransOil JSC (Minutes of the meeting dated June 22, 2020 No. 15) approved the Regulations for the formation of the KazTransOil Stakeholder Card.
This document establishes the procedure for determining the list of stakeholders of KazTransOil JSC and its subsidiaries, their grouping, forming a Map of stakeholders of KazTransOil JSC, determining the requirements and expectations of stakeholders, as well as assessing the degree of influence of stakeholders on KazTransOil JSC and its subsidiaries and the degree of interest of stakeholders in the activities of KazTransOil JSC and its subsidiaries. subsidiaries.
An important principle of the Company when interacting with stakeholders is to determine their needs and expectations in accordance with the requirements of management system standards implemented in the Company (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001).
When forming a Stakeholder Map, KazTransOil JSC evaluates every three years the impact of stakeholders on KazTransOil JSC and assesses the degree of their interest in KazTransOil JSC based on specific interaction parameters. For this purpose, the structural divisions and subsidiaries of the Company's environment conduct an internal survey and analysis by examining their relationships with individuals (individuals and legal entities) whose interests are affected by their activities.
In 2023, the Stakeholder Map was updated.
The process of interaction with stakeholders, built in KazTransOil JSC, allows timely identification and assessment of the interests of various groups of stakeholders.
The process of interacting with stakeholders

Stakeholder Engagement Process
KazTransOil JSC actively participates in various professional and industry-specific initiatives that promote the exchange of professional experience and solving industry-specific tasks.
KazTransOil JSC is represented as the national operator of the main oil pipeline. Representatives of KazTransOil JSC are members of the Coordinating Council for the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan under this association.
Association of Taxpayers of Kazakhstan
The main task of the Association of Taxpayers of Kazakhstan is to promote the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers, timely informing about changes in tax legislation.
Representatives of KazTransOil JSC participate in the working groups of this association and ensure the participation of KazTransOil JSC in the development of the above-mentioned amendments and additions to the tax legislation.
International Association of Oil Transporters
KazTransOil JSC has been a member of the International Association of Oil Transporters since September 4, 2015.
The International Association of Petroleum Transporters (IATN) was formed to coordinate efforts to effectively develop the oil transportation systems of participating companies and strengthen the stability of international oil transportation.
To date, 10 organizations are members of the MATN: MERO CR JSC (Czech Republic), Transneft PJSC (Russia), KazTransOil JSC (Kazakhstan), Transpetrol JSC (Slovakia), Gomeltransneft Druzhba JSC (Belarus), MOL JSC (Hungary), Chinese National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC, China), Ukrtransnafta JSC (Ukraine), Yanaf JSC (Croatia) and JSC TRANSNAFTA Pancevo (Serbia).
One company, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), is acting as an observer.
Four expert working groups have been created from representatives of the Association's members: on energy efficiency, on legal issues, on oil supplies, and on efficient, reliable, and safe operation of main pipeline systems.
In addition to the work of permanent expert groups, the main mechanisms of the Association's work are semi-annual Board meetings, conferences, exhibitions and seminars, as well as technical visits and exchange of experience.
The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken»
NCE «Atameken» was established to improve the business and investment climate, stability, and the development of business conditions in the country for both national and foreign investors.
Participation in this organization ensures the protection of the rights and interests of business, broad coverage and involvement of all entrepreneurs in the process of forming legislative and other regulatory rules of business.