In its daily activities, KazTransOil JSC is guided by the principles of transparent, conscientious and ethical business behavior, and also conducts systematic work to identify and combat corruption and fraud in any form.
The main internal documents regulating the issues of corruption combating in KazTransOil JSC are as follows:
Code of Business Ethics of KazTransOil JSC;
Anti-corruption Policy of KazTransOil JSC;
Anti-corruption standards of KazTransOil JSC;
Regulations for conducting anti-corruption monitoring and internal analysis of corruption risks in KazTransOil JSC;
Policy for managing the risk of violations in KazTransOil JSC;
Rules for managing conflicts of interest among officials and employees of KazTransOil JSC.
The main tools and mechanisms used in KazTransOil JSC in order to combat corruption are:
identification, assessment and management of corruption risks;
functioning of channels for feedback and reporting on the facts of corruption.
At «KazTransOil» JSC we foster a speak-up culture. Violations of the legislation and/or the Code of Conduct, including facts or alleged cases of fraud, corruption, discrimination, unethical behavior and other violations can now be reported via the Samruk-Kazyna hotline.
Click here ( to leave a message.
This hotline is operated by an independent entity, KPMG Tax and Advisory LLP (KPMG).
Calls to the hotline can be provided by all persons in Russian, Kazakh and English through the following communication channels:
The hotline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 24/7. At the same time, telephone calls are accepted by the operator from 09.00 to 18.00 from Monday to Friday. The rest of the time (including holidays / weekends) telephone calls are received by an answering machine with the ability to record calls. Processing of inquiries received outside business hours is carried out on the first business day after the receipt of an inquiry.
Information about the facts of violation of property and non-property rights and interests of KazTransOil JSC can be reported to the number
+7 (776) 044 52 13.
Regulations on anti-corruption monitoring and internal analysis of corruption risks in KazTransOil JSC (
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pdf 157.84Кб 127
Analytical report on the results of the internal analysis of corruption risks in «KazTransOil» JSC for the period 2019-2020 (
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pdf 366.66Кб 403
Analytical Statement based on the Corruption Risks Internal Analysis in KazTransOil JSC for the period of 2021-2022 (
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pdf 416.69Кб 217
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