KZTO 840,00 (-0,47%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 840,00 (-0,47%)

Environmental impact

Protection of atmospheric air
The main sources of atmospheric air pollution at the oil pumping stations of KazTransOil JSC are oil storage tanks, oil loading and discharge ramps, oil heating furnaces, boiler rooms. To a much lesser extent, the air is polluted by the start-up/reception chambers of the cleaning device, pumping stations, ponds, evaporators, transport, welding posts, etc.

In order to prevent and reduce the negative impact on atmospheric air, the Company carries out measures to reduce emissions of pollutants:
  • preventing oil evaporation by installing pontoons in oil storage tanks;
  • reduction of hydrocarbon emissions using a gas equalization system (GES) (tank farm, fuel tanks at gas stations);
  • optimization of the combustion process in the furnaces of oil preheating furnaces, hot water boilers.
The volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, tons
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Air Pollutant Emissions 26 665 23 396 19 033 20 035 17 549

In 2023, the total amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere did not exceed the values of the established standards.
Greenhouse gas emissions
KazTransOil JSC understands the importance of ongoing measures to combat climate change and has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

Sources of greenhouse gas emissions in KazTransOil JSC are oil heating furnaces, boiler houses, diesel power plants, welding units, compressors, etc.  

The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and the preparation of a report on the inventory of greenhouse gases is carried out on the basis of data provided by the structural divisions of KazTransOil JSC.

The volume of greenhouse gas emissions (direct emissions), thousand tons of CO2-eq.
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Direct greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 CH4 N2O) 163.9 158.1 160.5 198.5 197.042
Wastewater disposal
At the facilities of KazTransOil JSC, wastewater is discharged into evaporation ponds (evaporation fields), filtration fields, septic tanks, and urban sewer networks.

When wastewater is discharged into ponds, evaporators, filtration fields, emission standards are established in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Code. 

All structural divisions of KazTransOil JSC, which discharge evaporators to filtration fields and ponds, have VAT projects approved by the authorized body in the field of environmental protection and environmental permits to the environment.

To control the environmental impact, groundwater, surface and wastewater are monitored with laboratory water studies, as well as monitoring the degree of wastewater treatment.
Volume of wastewater discharges, thousand m3
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total discharges 274.5 232 232 222 205
Water consumption

KazTransOil JSC pays special attention to the protection of water resources. The main factors affecting the condition of water bodies in the production activities of the Company's enterprises are the withdrawal of water resources for production and economic needs (water consumption) from surface waters and artesian wells.

The main tasks of water resources management in KazTransOil JSC are:

  • definition of the key principles of water resources management intended for mandatory application in all structural divisions;
  • ensuring continuous improvement of the water resources management process;
  • ensuring the involvement of stakeholders in the process of water resources management.
Total amount of water withdrawn, thousand m3
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Water intake volumes, including: 536 472 480 402 366
Waste management

Safe waste management is one of the main points of environmental planning and management in the Company, and is organized in accordance with the regulatory legal acts in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the requirements of international standards, as well as the internal standards of KazTransOil JSC.

In connection with the entry into force of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 1, 2021 and the establishment of new requirements in terms of waste management, in 2021, the Waste Management Rules of KazTransOil JSC were updated, the purpose of which is to establish requirements and distribute responsibility in the process of waste management generated during the Company's production activities.

Waste management refers to the operations carried out in relation to waste from the moment of its formation to its final disposal.

Waste management operations include:

  • accumulation of waste at the place of its formation;
  • waste collection;
  • waste transportation;
  • waste recovery;
  • waste disposal;
  • auxiliary operations;
  • conducting observations of collection and transportation operations,
  • recovery and (or) disposal of waste;
  • maintenance activities for liquidated (closed, decommissioned) waste disposal facilities.
The total volume of waste generated, tons
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
The volume of waste generation, including: 53 524 44 055 81 191 19 350 31 815
  • oily soil
42 477 32 992 65 839 11 801 25 739
  • oil sludge
5 890 5 455 4 440 3 400 756
  • solid household waste
2 875 2 437 2 514 2 153 2 205
  • other waste
2 282 3 171 8 399 1 996 3  115

The total volume of waste generation in 2023 amounted to 31,814 tons and increased by 74% compared to 2022. The main reason for the increase in waste volume is the increase in the volume of restoration of disturbed lands (historical pollution) in the reporting year.

There is no accumulation of hazardous waste at the Company's facilities. The waste generated in the course of production activities is exported to specialized enterprises for their further restoration or disposal.
Green office

In 2018, the «Green Office» concept was introduced in the central office of KazTransOil JSC, which includes the installation of containers for separate waste collection (waste paper, glass, plastic, food waste) inside the building, the use of energy-saving lamps and the introduction of double-sided printing in order to save paper.

Reclamation of disturbed lands
KazTransOil JSC is responsible for the conservation of land resources in the course of its activities and carries out land reclamation and soil pollution monitoring. 
KazTransOil JSC has committed to restoring the lands polluted in the 1950s and 1960s. Currently, according to the approved projects for the reclamation of disturbed lands, phased work is being carried out to restore historically polluted lands.

Reclamation of disturbed lands (historical pollution)
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Reclamation of disturbed land (historical pollution), ha 8 2.264 1.64

In 2023, 1.64 hectares of disturbed land were restored. Work continues on the restoration of historically polluted lands along the Uzen – Atyrau – Samara and Uzen – Zhetybai - Aktau oil pipelines. 
​ Oil spill prevention, unauthorized tie-ins ​

In order to ensure trouble-free production and increase the efficiency of production processes in 2023, the following works were carried out in the Company:

  • in-line diagnostics of 1,415 km of main pipelines using methods such as calibration, profilometry, in-line magnetic projectile, electromagnetic-acoustic conversion;
  • elimination of 1,202 defects in the pipe of the main oil pipelines (with a plan of 1,202 defects);
  • technical inspection of 7 mainline and 6 back-up pumps that have completed their standard service life;
  • anti-corrosion protection of tanks. 11 tanks have an internal anti–corrosion coating;
  • technical diagnostics and expert examination of 3 oil heating furnaces.

According to the results of 2023, the Company did not record failures associated with a sudden complete or partial shutdown of the pipeline due to a violation of the tightness of the pipeline itself or shut-off and control valves or a blockage of the pipeline.
In close cooperation with law enforcement agencies, since 2012, KazTransOil JSC has turned the situation around with criminal illegal tapping into the Company's pipelines. Already in 2013, it was possible to reduce the number of unauthorized tie-ins from several dozen or even hundreds per year to 17 facts; according to the results of 2014, 12 unauthorized tie–ins were identified; in 2015, 14 tie–ins were committed; in 2016, 3 unauthorized connections were made, in 2017, 6 illegal tie-ins were revealed, in 2018 - 1 tie-in.
These indicators have been achieved largely due to the implementation of the following activities:

  • strengthening control over the monitoring of the work of mobile groups using GPS systems and the timely implementation of detours and inspections of oil pipelines by mobile groups;
  • protection of oil pipelines through the Optosense monitoring system.

According to Article 80 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Civil Protection», Accident Response Plans have been developed in all separate divisions of KazTransOil JSC, which prescribe an action plan for the localization and elimination of accidents.
To prevent undesirable consequences in case of emergencies, the Company has organized a system of measures for timely response, including ensuring fire safety of production facilities.
Command and staff exercises are being conducted to eliminate possible emergency oil spills.

Financing of environmental protection activities
Financing of environmental protection measures KazTransOil JSC implements on an ongoing basis a number of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment.

The environmental protection expenses of KazTransOil JSC consist of two parts:
  • environmental payments for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, the content of pollutants during wastewater discharge, waste accumulation;
  • the costs of environmental protection measures implemented on an initiative basis aimed at improving the environment.

Environmental protection expenses, million tenge
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Current costs of environmental protection measures, including: 2 277 1 316 2 194 1 435 1 007
 - environmental payments 99.1 82 91 85 74