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The data of «KazTransOil» JSC on oil accounting is available on the state platform Smart Bridge

 18.03.2021    480
«KazTransOil» JSC and jointly-controlled companies – «Kazakhstan-China Pipeline» LLP, «MunaiTas» LLP transmit data from the Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems to the integrated information system «Unified State Subsoil Use Management System» [Edinaya gosudarstvennaya sistema upravleniya nedropol'zovaniem]. In addition, this data is available on the state integration platform Smart Bridge.

Oil quantity and quality measurement systems are installed at 11 production objects of «KazTransOil» JSC. They provide oil accounting for oil transportation to oil refineries (Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Head Oil Refining station «Pavlodar», Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Acceptance Station «Shymkent», Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of «Bitumniy Zavod «), for export via the main oil pipelines «Uzen – Atyrau – Samara» (Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of « Acceptance Station at 1235 km») and «Atasu – Alashankou» (Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of  «Head Oil Refining station» Atasu»), as well as when receiving oil from shippers (Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Head Oil Refining station «Atasu»). Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Head Oil Refining station «Kalamkas», Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Oil Refining station «Severnyie Buzachi», Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Oil Refining station «Prorva», Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Oil Refining station «Monkey», Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Oil Refining station «Makat», Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems of Oil Refining station «Kenkiyak»).

«Kazakhstan-China Pipeline» LLP has implemented the Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement Systems at 3 production objects. Oil is recorded during the transportation of oil through the «Kenkiyak-Kumkol» main oil pipeline (Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement System of «Kenkiyak» and Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement System «Kumkol» and Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement System of «Atasu – Alashankou» (Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement System of «Alashankou»).

«MunaiTas» LLP uses the Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement System at the Head Oil Refining station «Kenkiyak», the Oil Refining station n.a. T. Kasymov, and the Acceptance Station of «MunaiTas» LLP  at the Oil Refining station n.a. N. Shmanov. Oil accounting is carried out during transportation through the «Kenkiyak-Atyrau» main oil pipeline for export through the «Uzen-Atyrau-Samara» oil pipeline and the domestic market («Atyrauskij neftepererabatyvayushchij zavod» LLP) in the obverse mode, as well as to the domestic market («Pavlodarskij neftekhimicheskij zavod» LLP, «PetroKazakhstan Oil Products» LLP) through the Kenkiyak-Kumkol oil pipeline in the reverse mode.

«Kazakhstan-China Pipeline» LLP – Joint Company of «KazTransOil» JSC (50 %) and China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Company Ltd. (50 %), which owns the «Kenkiyak-Kumkol» and «Atasu-Alashankou» oil pipelines.

«MunaiTas» LLP – a joint venture of «KazTransOil» JSC (51 %) and CNPC Exploration and Development Company Ltd. (49 %), established for the purpose of implementing the project for the design, financing, construction and operation of the «Kenkiyak-Atyrau» oil pipeline.
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