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KazTransOil JSC topped the rating of national companies for providing information in the state language on corporate Internet resources

 18.01.2023    393
Based on the results of monitoring the practical use of the state language in 2022, «KazTransOil» JSC and «KEGOC» JSC took the first place among national companies, when posting information on corporate Internet resources.

This study is conducted by the Language Policy Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as part of the state program for the implementation of language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025.

In total, 105 Internet resources of local executive authorities, national companies, police departments, airlines, airports, second-tier banks, companies providing socially significant services were checked.

Internet resources of national companies were evaluated for compliance with the principles of completeness and relevance of information in the state language.

According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Access to Information», quasi-public sector entities are the owners of information and are obliged to ensure the smooth functioning of Internet resources, conduct internal control over the quality and timeliness of providing information for posting on Internet resources.
Categories: Press releases