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The operation of oil pumping stations of KazTransOil JSC, temporarily stopped due to a power outage, has been fully restored

 10.07.2023    3407

After stabilization of the supply of electricity by the energy transmission organization, the operation of oil pumping stations (OPS) of KazTransOil JSC in Atyrau and Mangistau regions, temporarily stopped due to a power failure, was fully restored. Transportation of oil through the system of main oil pipelines of KazTransOil JSC is carried out in the specified technological modes. KazTransOil JSC confirms the availability of technical feasibility for the transportation of oil in full in accordance with the oil supply schedule approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However, the actual volumes of oil transportation depend on the applications of oil companies.

On July 3, 2023, as a result of an emergency shutdown of power unit No. 1 of the thermal power plant of MAEK LLP, there was a disruption in the power supply to consumers of the Mangistau and Atyrau power centers of the Western Zone of the UEP of Kazakhstan. As a result of systemic accidents, unscheduled shutdowns occurred at nine OPSs, and temporary restrictions were imposed at twelve OPSs of KazTransOil JSC.

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