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KazTransOil JSC continues to prove its commitment to ESG principles

 22.01.2025    288

Summing up the results of 2024, KazTransOil JSC once again confirmed its commitment to the principles of sustainable development of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance). The main emphasis was placed on reducing the negative impact on the environment and ensuring a high level of environmental safety.

KazTransOil JSC has many environmental projects in its arsenal aimed at improving the environmental culture and competence of the company's staff, popularizing environmental protection activities.:

  • Landscaping: as part of the «Taza Kazakhstan» campaign, more than 4 thousand trees were planted, more than 50 birdhouses were made and installed to increase the ecosystem's biodiversity.;
  • Separate waste collection: four-section containers and ECO-boxes are installed at all production facilities of the company;
  • Environmental education: lectures were held for students of four Kazakhstani universities on topical environmental issues;
  • Participation of the company's employees in environmental actions: «Earth Hour», themed days «Day without paper» and «Day without cars»;
  • Eco-villages for cleaning the territories of settlements, parks, and the shores of reservoirs, as a result of which over 55 tons of garbage have been collected over the past year.

In addition, the Mangystau Oil Pipeline Authority has restored 1.4 hectares of historically polluted territories along Uzen–Zhetybai–Aktau oil pipeline. A pontoon was installed on a 20,000 cubic meter oil storage tank at T.  Kassymov Oil Pumping Station of Atyrau Oil Pipeline Department. This device reduces the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere by 80%.

This is only a small part of the environmental projects implemented by the company.
KazTransOil JSC continues to follow the principles of ESG in its activities, based on environmental protection, creation of favorable social conditions, conscientious attitude of staff and proper corporate governance.
