KZTO 844,00 (0%)
Shares of KazTransOil JSC (KASE) 844,00 (0%)

On January 22, 2016 International rating agency Moody’s Investor’s Service placed the ratings of 32 integrated oil, exploration and production , and oilfield services companies in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) on review for downgrade, i

 25.01.2016    257
Due to the deterioration of oil prices not seen in a more than a decade, Moody’s placed the ratings of 32 integrated oil, exploration and production , and oilfield services companies in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) on review for downgrade, including JSC NC «KazMunayGas» and JSC «KazTransOil». Current rating of JSC «KazTransOil» is Baa3.
Categories: Press releases