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Capacity of Astrakhan-Mangyshlak waterline being expanded

 28.09.2016    334
As part of the first phase of the waterline capacity expansion project, WPS No.5 is being reconstructed with the construction and installation works to be completed in December of 2017. As a result of the reconstruction, the waterline capacity will be gradually increased by 35 thousand m3 of water a day by 2020. Today, the maximum technical capacity of the waterline is 94,000 m3 a day at the section of Kigach Linear Production Dispatcher Station - WPS-8 (Kulsary); 73,000 m3 a day at the section of WPS-8 - Mangyshlak. The waterline is meant for supply of process water to the oil fields in Western Kazakhstan for home, technological and technical needs. The main consumers are such oil producing companies as Tengizchevroil, NCOC N.V., Karazhanbasmunai, Mangistaumunaigas (fields in Zhanaozen, Zhetybay, Karazhanbas, Kalamkas and Tengiz). In general, the service on supply of water through the main waterline is used by 173 consumers in Atyrau and Mangistau regions, including 23 oil and gas and 36 industrial enterprises, 20 municipal and budgetary organizations, and 94 agricultural producers. The waterline supplies water to public utilities, which, in turn, make it acceptable for drinking for such settlements as Akkistau village with the population of 8,000 people, Kulsary city of 70,000 people, Zhanaozen city of 120,000 people, Beineu village of 47,000 people and other, the population of which increases every year. The sanitary cleaning and disinfection of water is done already at the stage of its entry to the waterline. The commodity water is chlorinated in reinforced concrete tanks at the 2nd water lift. Chlorine is dosed with vacuum chlorinators with specific consumption of chlorine of 3 mg/inch3. Then the water goes to Astrakhan-Mangyshlak main waterline. At the same time, Kigach LPDS laboratory technicians analyze the process water received from the river and supplied through the pipeline. The laboratory and production control is carried out by means of devices based on the methodology of analysis and specifications regulated by RoK GOSTs. The similar analyses are conducted by Kulsary LPDS laboratory of the Western Branch of «KazTransOil» JSC that provides water quality control throughout transportation via the waterline. Also, the Western Branch of «KazTransOil» JSC and «National Examination Center» RSE of the Committee on Consumer Rights Protection of the RoK Ministry of National Economy for Mangistau region signed an agreement for microbiological and physical-chemical analyses of industrial water from Astrakhan-Mangyshlak waterline. According to the comprehensive laboratory tests, the quality of water pumped via Astrakhan-Mangyshlak waterline today fully meets the relevant standards and requirements. Public Affairs and Internal Communications Service
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