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100 million tons have been pumped through Atasu-Alashankou pipeline

 31.03.2017    497
Today the custody transfer point «Alashankou» of Atasu-Alashankou pipeline owned by Kazakhstan-China Pipeline LLP, a jointly-controlled company of KazTransOil and CNODC, has accepted the 100 millionth ton of oil since the launch of the pipeline. Atasu-Alashankou pipeline is the first export pipeline in CIS that provides direct access to the emerging Chinese market. As a consequence of the pipeline launch there is a new pipeline direction for export of Kazakh oil, loading of the existing pipeline system, use of the country’s transit potential, creation of new jobs and additional tax revenues. It is symbolic that such a high figure was reached on the 20th anniversary of KazTransOil. For information: The Agreement on the main principles of construction of Atasu-Alashankou pipeline was signed between KazMunaiGas and CNPC on 17.05.2004 in China simultaneously with the Frame agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on development of comprehensive cooperation in the oil and gas sphere. The first startup complex of Atasu-Alashankou pipeline was commissioned in 2006; construction was fully completed in 2008. At the first stage of construction the throughput capacity was 10 million tons a year. In 2013 KazTransOil and Kazakhstan-China Pipeline LLP commissioned two pump stations – PS №8 and PS №10 in Karaganda and Almaty regions. New stations located at Atasu-Alashankou pipeline are intended to start its operation at full design capacity – 20 million tons a year. Along with the economic importance the launch of two pump stations has also a social aspect – creation of more than 100 jobs in production. Preferential right of employment was given to the residents of the local communities. Starting from January 1, 2014 KazTransOil and Rosneft have a contract for oil transportation via Priirtyshsk-Atasu-Alashankou in the amount of 7 million tons a year. On December 27, 2016 KazTransOil and Rosneft, as authorized organizations of the Agreement parties, signed a supplemental agreement to the above contract, providing for the increase of Russian oil transit from 7 to 10 million tons a year in 2017. Public Relations and Internal Communications Service KazTransOil
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