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KazTransOil quickly and efficiently liquidated an oil spill at its facility

 17.01.2018    415
On January 15, 2018, the emergency shutdown system with full opening of the discharge electrically-driven gate valve of Oil Pre-Heater No. 7 turned on at A. Kultumiyev Oil Pumping Station (OPS) of Kulsary Division of «KazTransOil» JSC in Atyrau oblast at 12 hours 42 minutes (Astana time), as a result of undervoltage caused by the power provider. As the discharge gate valve got open, the oil ran into the drain tank and onto the snowy ground. All the oil contaminated ground has been collected, and the damaged land has been reclaimed. The spilled oil amount is to be confirmed. No victims and injured people. No damage to the production facilities and property of KazTransOil. No interruption in the process of oil transportation via Uzen-Atyrau-Samara MP. No proximity to settlements and no cases of environment pollution as a result of the oil spill. The causes of the accident are now under investigation. Public Affairs and Internal Communications Service
Categories: Press releases