The vapor recovery unit put into operation in the process of reconstruction of N. Shmanov OPS of KazTransOil JSC in Atyrau region, fully copes with the mission assigned to it to reduce production losses during oil transportation and blocking of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The unit commissioned at the production facility of KazTransOil JSC is a consequence of ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 26, 2009.
The vapor recovery unit (VRU) is located in the OPS tank farm area. Its task is to process light hydrocarbon vapors that are formed during oil filling, transportation and storage. As a result, clean air emits into the atmosphere, while hydrocarbon particles are recovered and returned to the tank by absorbing liquid.
The VRU principle is about the absorption process, when light hydrocarbon vapors pass through a filter layer of activated carbon beads. Volatile organic compounds are retained on the activated carbon surface, while virtually hydrocarbon-free air is released into the atmosphere. When the activated carbon is appropriately saturated with volatile organic compounds, the filter switches to the mode of regeneration. Regeneration, or purification of activated carbon, is achieved by applying vacuum and flushing air passed through the filter bed.
The VRU installed at N. Shmanov OPS had a positive effect on many parameters: ensuring explosion safety by reducing the concentration of explosive hydrocarbon vapors in the air, protecting the OPS personnel from inhaling toxic fumes, and reducing production losses. In addition, captured hydrocarbon vapors are a valuable product that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere.
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