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KazTransOil replaced 2100 km of the main oil pipeline in 22 years

 27.02.2020    612
«KazTransOil» JSC completed the implementation of the production program for 2015-2019. Over the past period, the company has done a great job in ensuring the integrity and safe operation of oil pipelines. According to the information of the Deputy General Director of «KazTransOil» JSC, Sabit Arynov, at present, the service life of 47% of the total length of the main oil pipelines exceeds 30 years. To maintain accident-free oil transportation, the company is implementing a set of measures. Thanks to timely in-line inspection and ongoing repairs over the past 11 years, the situation has significantly improved to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the main oil pipelines of «KazTransOil» JSC and to reduce emergencies. Together with an increase in reliability, from 2009 to 2019, the company reduced electricity consumption by 35 million kW / h, or 11%, gas consumption decreased by 63 million cubic meters or 40%. At the same time, the oil throughput of oil pipelines for 11 years increased by 4 billion ton-kilometers or 12%. Since 1997, sections of pipelines with a total length of more than 2100 km have been replaced throughout the entire pipeline system. Over the past five years alone, work has been done to replace sections with a length of 412 km. For the years 2020-2024, it is planned to replace another 396 km of the route, which is 7% of the total length of the company's oil pipelines, said Sabit Arynov. In the period from 2015 to 2019, 40 spent pumping units were replaced with more modern analogs at the oil pumping stations named after N. Shmanov, «Barsengir», «Karazhanbas» named after Dzhumagaliyev, «Atasu» and others. In the direction of automation of technological processes, TAP (transfer and acceptance point) was put into operation at 1235 km of «Uzen-Atyrau-Samara» oil pipeline, modernization systems for the quantity and quality indicators of oil from the Pavlodar MOPS, Shymkent MOPS were introduced, perimeter CCTV monitoring was introduced at 6 facilities, and a landmark project to centralize dispatch control from a single center in Nur-Sultan was completed. To provide the company’s facilities with production and technological communications, the fiber-optic communication line of the eastern region, trunked radio communications along main oil pipelines were modernized, and their own maintenance-free communication centers were built. For 2019, the capital investment plan of «KazTransOil» JSC was executed at 95%, which in monetary terms is 41.1 billion tenge. The funds are aimed at ensuring reliable and safe operation of production assets, as well as uninterrupted transportation of oil through the system of main oil pipelines. So, last year, with a plan of 1577 defects, 1644 of the most dangerous defects were eliminated. In-line inspection of oil pipelines was implemented with a total length of 1,044 km. Reference: «KazTransOil» JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the main oil pipeline. It is included in the group of NC «KazMunayGas» JSC. It owns a diversified network of oil pipelines with a length of 5.4 thousand km. Production facilities of «KazTransOil» JSC are located in Shymkent, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Turkestan, North Kazakhstan, Atyrau, Mangistau, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Almaty and Aktobe regions of Kazakhstan. It transports oil to Kazakhstan oil refineries and for export in 5 directions: the Atyrau-Samara and Kazakhstan-China oil pipelines, the port of Aktau (loading oil into tankers), the railway (filling into tanks), transshipment to the CPC system. Oil transportation via trunk pipelines is provided by 36 oil pumping stations, 218 pumping units, 7 oil heating stations, 67 oil heating furnaces, a tank farm for oil storage with a total volume of 1,386.0 thousand cubic meters. Oil transshipment is provided by 4 loading and unloading railway racks, appropriate equipment for loading oil into tankers, installed at 3 berths of the Aktau port oil loading terminal. Department of Public Relations and Internal Communications of «KazTransOil» JSC
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