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Quarantine measures and control over employees' health have been strengthened at the production facilities of KazTransOil JSC

 17.04.2020    507
In conditions of prolongation of the state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, oil transportation through the system of main oil pipelines of JSC «KazTransOil» is carried out in the previous mode. For safe operation, the company takes all necessary measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Unscheduled disinfection of territories and premises with the area of 499,045.42 square meters, 868 ventilation units and 1,168 air conditioners are carried out within the sanitary and disinfection regime of administrative facilities and common use premises. All premises, vehicles, machinery and property are constantly disinfected. 10,288 masks-respirators for reusable use, 6,803 litres of antiseptics for hand disinfection with a 2-month reserve, 254 litres of disinfectants for treating 127 vehicles for 2 months have been purchased. Employees and service personnel of contractors at the facilities of JSC «KazTransOil» are provided with the necessary personal protective equipment. The control over observance of sanitary norms of personal hygiene by them has been strengthened. Every day the body temperature of the employees of JSC «KazTransOil» and contractors is measured. Within the framework of social distancing measures, contacts of employees during the production process have been reduced to 5 persons. Pipeline departments have organized places for temporary isolation of employees with suspected coronavirus disease, territorial quarantine hospitals are provided. As of April 16, 984 specialists of the company work remotely, and more than 1100 are on paid vacations. At 53 remote sites of JSC «KazTransOil», where specialists work on a rotational basis, field infrastructure (household cars, canteens, kitchens) is deployed, field camps are set up, cars for temporary isolation are prepared. The shift facilities are isolated and provided with a stock of water, essential goods and medicines. Output of shift workers outside the facilities and the linear part of the main oil pipelines is limited. Since 3 April, taking into account the restrictive measures imposed by the Chief State Health Doctors and Regional Emergency Operations Headquarters, some workers have been sent on temporary downtime*. As of 16 April, 519 workers have been sent on temporary downtime. These include shift workers who were unable to reach their place of work due to the ban on movement in some areas. As a result, the shift of workers was extended at HOPS «Kumkol» in Zhezkazgan Oil Department (7 persons), at «Akshabulak» PSP of «Kazgermunai» LLP (2 persons), at the Western Department of Operator Services (WDSO) on maintenance of CPC-K facilities (82 persons). Taking into account the facts of detection of coronavirus infection in the residents of Zhanaozen, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from April 13, 2020 44 employees (2 shifts) of the head oil pumping station (HOPS) «Uzen» of the Mangistau oil pipeline department and 16 employees of contractor organizations providing services on protection of facilities, fire protection of facilities, medical, cleaning and catering services at the HOPS «Uzen» were transferred to the shift work method. In addition, 4 employees of the PSP «Dunga» OPS «Aktau» and 4 employees of the PSP «Tasbolat» OPS «Zhetybai» were transferred to the watch. This decision was taken in connection with the shift of a number of oil companies in the Mangistau region to the shift working method. In case of critical increase of COVID-19 infected in Mangistau, Atyrau, West-Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Pavlodar and Turkestan regions, the company developed a plan to transfer to the shift method of work of specialists according to the orange level: HOPS «Aktau», OPS «Zhetybai», OPS n.a. A. Kultumiyev, OPS n.a N. Shmanov, OPS n.a T. Kasymov, OPS «Bolshoi Chagan», HOPS «Kenkiyak», HOPS «Pavlodar», OPS «Ekibastuz», HOPS «Atasu», HOPS «Chulak Kurgan» and other production facilities. These measures will be taken in order to ensure uninterrupted oil transportation at key oil pumping stations. *According to subparagraph 10. Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is simple - temporary suspension of work for economic, technological, organizational, other industrial or natural reasons. Reference: KazTransOil JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the main oil pipeline. It is a part of the «KazMunayGas» group of companies. It owns a diversified network of main oil pipelines with a length of 5.4 thousand km. Production facilities of KazTransOil JSC are located in Shymkent, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Turkestan, North Kazakhstan, Atyrau, Mangistau, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Almaty and Aktobe regions of Kazakhstan. It transports oil to Kazakhstan's refineries and exports in 5 directions: «Atyrau – Samara» and «Kazakhstan-China» oil pipelines, Aktau port (loading oil into tankers), railway (loading into cistern), transshipment to the CPC system. Department of public relations and Internal communications of KazTransOil JSC
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