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On transferring the report of KazTransOil JSC to consumers and other interested parties

 23.04.2020    411
Due to the extension of the state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan until May 1, 2020, which was introduced by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 15, 2020 No.285 «Regarding the introduction of a state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan», on the recommendation of the Committee for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to ensure the principles of transparency and transparency of the performance of KazTransOil JSC, as well as to comply with the interests of consumers, reports on the performance of approved tariff estimates, on the implementation of the approved investment program, on compliance with quality and reliability indicators of regulated services and achievement of performance indicators of KazTransOil JSC for 2019 to consumers and other interested parties, information about which was posted in the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper on April 1, 2020, will be held at the end of the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Information on the date and venue of the reports will be in a periodical printed edition, which is published at least once a week and distributed throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as on the Internet resource of KazTransOil JSC
Categories: Press releases