By the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of KazTransOil JSC dated August 14, 2023, the powers of members of the Board of Directors of KazTransOil JSC, Agostini Vinicius Alves and Martinez Lopez Alberto, were terminated ahead of schedule.
The General Meeting of Shareholders of KazTransOil JSC elected to the Board of Directors of KazTransOil JSC: Bulat Zakirov - representative of JSC NC KazMunayGas; Ardak Kassymbek - representative of JSC NC «KazMunayGas»; Kazbek Kussainov - independent director; Miller Timothy Glen is an independent director. In accordance with this decision, Bulat Zakirov was also elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of KazTransOil JSC.
Taking into account the changes made, the Board of Directors of KazTransOil JSC consists of six people: Zakirov B.K., Kassymbek A.M., Kurmanbayev T.N., Kusainov K.K., Hadrien Fraissinet, Miller Timothy Glen.