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Main Waterline LLP continues to ensure uninterrupted supply of water to consumers during flood conditions

 06.05.2024    378
Floods in western Kazakhstan did not affect the work of Main Waterline LLP, which is of strategic importance for the region of the country. All production facilities and equipment of Main Waterline LLP operate as normal and are located outside the flood zone.

Main Waterline LLP constantly monitors the situation related to the passage of floods in the Atyrau region. An operational headquarters has been created. Responsible staff - engineering and technical workers, heads of structural divisions on an ongoing basis provide operational information on the level of the Kigach River and the Ural River, on the technological regime of water pumping and the operation of the Astrakhan-Mangyshlak main water pipeline facilities.

In order to protect the production facility of water pumping station-5 (WPS-5), located in the zone of potential water spill of the Ural River, comprehensive work was carried out on the construction of a protective embankment with a total length of 1000 meters. Work was carried out to construct an embankment for the linear node «0km» of the main water pumping station «Kigach» (MWPS «Kigach») to protect against potential water spills of the Kigach River.

Measures have been developed and are being implemented to provide the operating personnel of the MWPS «Kigach» and WPS-5 with essential goods, including food, water and rest kits, in case they are at work around the clock.

As part of protecting the city of Atyrau from the threat of floods on the Ural River, forces Main Waterline LLP erected a protective embankment on a fixed section with a length of 665 meters. In the Kurmangazy district, a protective embankment with a length of 350 meters was erected around the crossing named after Dina Nurpeisova to protect against the threat of floods on the Kigach River.

Let us remind you that Main Waterline LLP is a supplier of natural water from the Kigach River to consumers in the region via the Astrakhan-Mangyshlak main water pipeline. The main water pipeline «Astrakhan - Mangyshlak» is a strategically important object, it is the only centralized source of water supply for consumers of the Kurmangazy, Isatay and Zhylyoi districts of the Atyrau region, as well as for

Zhanaozen, Beineu, Mangistau, Karakiyan and Tupkaragan districts of Mangistau region. Water is supplied for domestic and drinking water supply, for the needs of livestock and crop production, as well as for flooding oil reservoirs of oil fields in Western Kazakhstan.
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