KZTO 800,00 (+0,00%)
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Fitch Ratings has affirmed KazTransOil JSC’s Rating at «BBB» with Stable Outlook

 25.06.2024    688

The international rating agency Fitch Ratings has affirmed KazTransOil JSC’s (KTO) Long-Term Issuer Default Rating at «BBB» with  Stable Outlook.

KTO's SCP («bbb») reflects its solid business profile as a national operator of oil pipelines in Kazakhstan, fairly stable cash flow generation despite a less predictable regulatory framework than European peers', and a strong financial profile.

The current credit rating of KTO is at the same level as the sovereign rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan («BBB», Outlook «Stable») and the rating of the parent company JSC National Company KazMunayGas («BBB», Outlook «Stable»).

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