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Results of production activity of JSC «KazTransOil» for January-April 2012

 16.05.2012    415
In line with the actual data the volume of oil transportation through the network of main oil pipelines of JSC «KazTransOil» in January-April 2012 made 17 million 636 thou. tons. The indicator exceeded the target volume of oil transportation by 3% or 560 thous.tons (the plan on oil transportation volume for the period from January to April - 17 mln.076 thous.tons). The cargo turnover through the network of main oil pipelines of JSC «KazTransOil» for four months of 2012 amounted to 11 billion 092 mln.tons per km. This indicator makes 99% of the target cargo turnover volume (the plan on cargo turnover for January-April - 11 bln. 217 mln.tons). JSC «KazTransOil» carries out supply of the Volga water to consumers of the Atyrau and Mangistau oblasts of Kazakhstan via Astrahan-Mangyshklak waterline. In January - April 2012, the volume of water supply equals to 7 million 119 thou.cbm. This indicator exceeded the target volume of water supply by 4% or 288 thous.cbm (the plan on water supply volume for January – April - 6 mln. 831 thous.cbm). Press Relations Service of JSC «KazTransOil»
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