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«KazTransOil» JSC announces operating and financial - economic results for 9 months 2013

 30.12.2013    294
According to the factual data consolidated oil transportation volume and volume of oil and oil products throughput of «KazTransOil» group of companies was equal to 49 million 271 thou. tons, exceeding the plan for 3% and indicator of 9 months of 3012 - for 1%. Consolidated cargo turnover comprised billion 34 bln. 107 mln, tons-km, that is 11% above the plan and 9% higher than the result of 9 months 2012. Volume of Volga water supply to consumers of Atyrau and Mangistau regions of Kazakhstan via Astrakhan-Mangyshlak waterline in the reporting period comprised 17 mln. 840 thou.cub.m. – 14.5% more than the plan and 2.2% higher than indicator of 9 months 2012. Consolidated revenue from core activity in the reporting period equaled to 141 bln. 482 mln. KZT, 12% higher than the plan and 37% higher than similar indicator of 9 months of 2012. Net income made 52 bln. 339 mln. KZT – exceeding the plan for 42% and the result of 9 months 2012 for 128%. According to the Accounting policy of «KazTransOil» JSC revaluation of fixed assets of «KazTransOil» group of companies was held as of 31 July 2013. Book value of assets of KTO group according to the provisional results of revaluation equal to 407 bln. 978 mln, KZT, that 12% is higher than then factual indicator as of 31 December 2012. «KazTransOil» JSC – subsidiary of «KazMunayGas» NC JSC, national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan on main oil pipeline. The Company manages the network of trunk lines with extension more than 5 thousand km and waterlines with extension 2147.1 km, provides work places for 7 thousand people. Press Relations Service of JSC «KazTransOil»
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