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KazTransOil JSC is among the five most transparent companies of Kazakhstan

 17.05.2019    313
KazTransOil JSC took the 4th place in the transparency rating of the largest companies of Kazakhstan. The rating includes 100 Companies of the country. The Companies were evaluated according to the five most important criteria in terms of transparency standards, including disclosure of information about the company, corporate governance, sustainable development, communications, quality and completeness of reporting. During the preparation of the rating, special attention was paid to the analysis of the Companies' websites, annual reports for 2018 and public communications. Kaz Minerals PLC took the first place in the ranking, National Company «KazMunayGas» took the second place, and the third place was taken by «Tau-Ken Samruk» NMC» JSC. KazTransGas JSC, KazTransOil JSC, Kazakhtelecom JSC, Baiterek NMH JSC and Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC were awarded for the introduction of best practices to ensure transparency. The rating was prepared by the «Expert RA Kazakhstan» Agency with the partnership of «Kursiv» Business portal. You can see the ranking here
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